What a frustrating way to spend a Sunday afternoon!
I've just spent around three and a half hours fault finding my lappy and the darned thing has cured itself so I have no idea what the cause was!
Firstly my internet dropped out, not my wifi just internet, couldn't get online or log in to any site, though I could talk to other devices e.g. printer.
Did the usual reset router, made no difference.
Connected my mobile to wifi all sites connected immediately.
Tethered my lappy to my mobile my browser immediately started working.
I came to the conclusion it must be the router or perhaps firewall settings? Switched off fire wall still no internet.
Got my old tower out and connected straight through!
Connected my lappy by lan cable still no internet, started to suspect lappy, after all, it's the only thing unresponsive via my wifi even though it works through tethering.
So I decided to do a restore, checked for dates available and noticed that a couple of days ago windows had done an update, I chose a date
before that working on the theory if all went well, then if the update installed again causing problems I'd know the culprit.
restore wouldn't work everything just sat there as the little circle went around and around and the prompt showed, 'restore is initializing'.
After an hour I decided it had had plenty of time to initialize. So turned it off to start again with yet another date, same problem. Turned off booted up pondering whether to go for a restore in 'safe mode', I'm always reluctant to go down this road as strangely rather than being 'safe' if you do a restore in 'safe mode' you can't undo it which could create it's own problems.
So deep in consternation and concentration I decided to check for other peoples solutions to the same problem, I was 10 minutes sorting the wheat from the chaff, useful advice from the idiotic, when I realised, I'm doing this search on my lappy! For some reason, whatever had caused my problem had gone, I have no idea what it was and so long as it doesn't appear again I don't care, it could be my router it could be my lappy, but what the hey if I'm really going to bother with a scapegoat I'm gonna blame Windows, after all everyone else does!