After all this we thought it was time to find the cigar shop again
we set off and less realised he had left his glasses on board the ferry and needed some more so on the way we found a place and he got a good pair for 25 euros
on the way to the shop there was a van selling hot dogs so we got 2 large hot dogs and a burger the burger was for me and was very nice.
after this we reached the shop
now this shop is really nice selling every type of cigar you can think of and cigs,tabacco ect at the front but at the back they have a really nice cafe.
we ordered 3 coffee's which come with a liqueur and a biscuit ,it looks very posh in there and we thought this is going to be expensive but it was only 7 euros for all three .
we had the coffee and got our stuff from the front of the shop and then asked the shop owner which is the best way to the station,"oh easy just turn right out the shop accross the canal and turn right again its only 20 mins walk great and thankyou.
so off we go 20 mins later and we are totaly lost we walked for miles in the hot sun we were all very tierd and it was getting late so we could miss the conection back to the ferry at this rate.
everyone we asked did not know or did not understand this is great even a information center could not direct us while me and peter where asking in there less had found a map we both got instructions to go in differant directions anyway a bus was in so asked the driver who pointed to another bus and said you need that so it was a mad dash to catch it before it left .
we got back to the station at 5pm sweat poring off all of use feet aching lucky there is a pub on the station well there i two anyway in we went with halve hour to spare had a drink .
now this bar did not have a toilet or we could not find one and less was in need so we looked round and there is one of those stand alone ones near our pickup point so we thought thats handy so we walked over there dropped all our stuff and less checked the loo out but its a card entry only for bus staff the bus to take us back was here but we had 10 mins before it was due to leave so less said he was off to find a loo.
Now the other pub/club on there had pounding music and flashing lights and we said we where not going in there for a drink (we are all old sods

but less needed the loo so in he went when he got back the look of shock on his face was funny ,he had found a loo ok but it only had those ranch type swing doors on and a woman was on the doors talking to another woman so while he was doing what he needed they where talking and watching him as he walked out she called him back he had not paid to use the loo hehe.