Thread: Labour Party
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Old 24-09-2016, 17:05   #361
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
There are moderates in all parties Less, but the really right wing and left wing of any party are not usually what the electorate choose to follow.
The Labour Party was irreparably damaged by Tony Blair. The moves to make it different have not improved its appeal.
Another thing is that people have become disaffected with politics in general(I am one of these disaffected....I really struggle to find anything that I can identify with in the major parties....This is because they have become too similar).
Politicians have treated the electorate in an appalling way. In many ways this might have something to do with them seeing themselves as our 'betters' rather than our equals.....and our servants.
Too many of them have little experience of actually working for a living. They have no experience of real life. They are career politicians. In it for the money rather than making a difference to the lives of ordinary folk.
Jeremy Corbyn may be a man of principles, but he is still from a very privileged background.
I can consider myself a 'moderate' in my views on life, politics and race, however I often meet other 'moderates' that don't share my point of view conflict begins when either I, or they, insist that our own 'moderate' points of view are the ones everyone else should follow.
That, is extreme, none of us are either right or wrong all the time, but the evangelistic fury used by some 'moderates' should be viewed with suspicion (by at least 95% of us).
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Last edited by Less; 24-09-2016 at 17:08.
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