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Old 21-07-2006, 20:26   #1

Angry Unsafe Streets.....

Is it bad when I can't walk down my own street without fearing for my life?
I'm 17, and when i was young...well, youngER....i don't remember gangs, thugs, scum basically, wandering the streets..... is this because i didn't care at that age, or because these anti-socials are breeding too fast?
I see young teens in the street drinking, fighting, asking the eldest looking one (and even complete strangers. i.e me) if they can 'get served' for fags and alcohol, and i know these miniture hellians are going to grow up, and be even more intimidating. It's disgusting, and i can't believe i actually try my hardest to avoid them to avoid being abused, when they've barely reached puberty.
I suppose the worst ones are my age that hang around on street corners. I was walking to a friends house in accrington and there were gangs of these 'chavs' drinking (obviously) and shouting all sorts of language to eachother.....we took a different route home. What really got to me for some reason was the fact there was elderly people around...I would never dream of swearing in front of my elders...strangers or not, because i don't want these learned people to get the wrong impression of friends...the decent kind. Maybe it's the upbringing, maybe it's the parents, i don't know, but this area is getting worse. Sometimes i do wonder where the parents are of these they know what their children are doing? Probably not.... Don't get me wrong, it's not EVERYWHERE round the towns, but I'd love to walk around my home town with my head held high without fear of being mugged, called names or having a glass bottle being thrown at me. I'm not even gonna go into what trouble we've had on our street, it's like living in a soap opera.....boring, annoying and damn right frustrating. Can't these people just go....simply...just go away......
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