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Old 01-09-2006, 18:08   #1
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Kids unanswerable questions!

Most of you will know what kind of tough questions kids ask, well I think I
copped for the unanswerable question. The 7 year old daughter of a neighbour asked this question for which after a several attempts giving up and pleading ignorance was my way out.

The question was "how will I know I have died" to which the first answer was "you will go to heaven" to which answer came forth " what if I dont go to heaven how will I know." So I went for "if you have been really really naughty you might go to hell." Reply "what if I dont go to hell?" So it was "you might be a ghost." Thinking I had cracked it I get "what if I am not a ghost?" At which point a considered reincarnation but guessed what the answer would be hence the dont know option.

How are you meant to answer a question lke that and give them an answer they would be happy with? I was crazy enough to Google it out of curiosity with no luck. I still dont know what brought on the question and havent seen her mother to ask if she knew so what next and can a question like that really be answered?

Any thoughts on this what could be seen as an innocent if somewhat morbid question?

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