Thread: Light Bulbs
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Old 08-01-2008, 14:56   #19
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Re: Light Bulbs

Hot filament light bulbs should be recycled with the other glass and metal items.

As for the new low energy bulbs – they are the biggest con perpetrated on the public for many a year.

Yes they do use less electrical energy and they do last longer but that is the only advantage.

But that is well offset by the disadvantages.

The LE bulb costs up to ten times the cost of a hot filament bulb.
A 75 watts rated LE bulb only uses about 18 watts of power but the light that it gives off is around the equivalent to that of a 60 watts hot filament bulb.
It costs up to ten times more to produce an LE bulb than a hot filament bulb. That’s why they cost more to buy. Plus the extra profit the manufacturer and seller can make.
It certainly takes much more energy to produce one LE bulb than it does to produce one hot filament bulb.
Then there are the disposal costs in cash AND energy.

Finally if everyone used these LE bulbs they would use less electricity. This would reduce what the energy companies will sell, which in turn would affect their profits, which in turn would affect the shareholders dividends and this would affect many pension funds. So the price of electricity would go up to compensate to try and maintain the status quo.

In a nutshell we, the general public (again) will pay more for less.

Now if that isn’t a con, I don’t know what is.
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