Thread: Twins, etc
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Old 03-04-2009, 19:33   #3
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Re: Twins, etc

I dress my two the same, and it is easier (although can be difficult always getting two of the same item) My two arnt identical though so do kinda have their own identities. Think I still would though if they were identical. These two amuse me when they keep passing the blame onto each other but are little monsters for fighting, even if i get two of the same toy they still seem to fight over the one of them (doesnt alsways have to be a toy involved, think that they just like fighting). but its cute when ones aslweep and the others not or for any reason (which is rare) that they are separated as they seem lost because their "other half" isnt there. They do have their moments where they are really comical and both have completely different personalities and attitudes. But are only 2 1/2 so a lot will change no doubt
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