Thread: Michael Jackson
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Old 26-06-2009, 17:01   #47
God Member

Re: Michael Jackson

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
The thing is accyman he was taken to court on one occasion only and completely exonerated, as for the other so called insdent with the Chandler kid, I totally agree what kind of parents would take money from anybody knowing their child had been molested, to me those would be the sickos never mind anybody else

the thing is jaysay he is no different than gary glitter apart from he had a lot more money and a lot more popularity which made the thought of jackson been a filthy child molester less appealing and also led to his career been allowed to go further so that those that bought his records and concert tickets could continue contributing to children been abused

the way that family saw it was probably a case of either walking away from court with a conviction which wasnt guarenteed against jackson or walking away with 50million dollars upwards not to testify .Either way they went the child would have to live with been molested so why not live with it with 50 million in the bank

any parent that let their kid near him after that shoud have been posecuted for endangering a child and gross neglegence

now hes dead they should check his own children for evidence of abuse

he admited guilt the second he paid for teh silence of a witness , no one would pay 50 million upwards to silence evidence that could not be proven so it must have been pretty damaging evidence to warrant such a huge payout
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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