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Gayle 05-07-2007 11:21

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris (Post 444523)
Only problem is, Rosebud and Gayle will start fretting that we might be BNP supporters!

No I won't and you know full well that wasn't my point. If everyone was flying the flag (as they do during sporting events) there is no question, however, when there are a few stray flags flying outside people's houses that does often give the impression that it's BNP.

SPUGGIE J 05-07-2007 11:38

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by [email protected] (Post 444357)
Time is right for full devolution of Scotland, Wales and Ulster so there needn't be a Union Jack anymore, ....... and while they're at it they can draw the scottish border at Birmingham :D

Sadly full devolution would be bad for all concerned. As for the Scottish border being at Birmingham makes me think the north of England has more in common with Scotland than the south. Why cant we just divorce the area south of Birmingham and let it set its self up as it wants and the rest of us can carry on as we are. Besides some think England is only comprised of the south anyway so let them go it alone. :D

jambutty 05-07-2007 11:41

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 444690)
And while we're at it, getting those flags ready to fly .... don't forget the National Anthem ... if you are anywhere where it is played ... sports events etc. ... don't stand and mumble, looking embarrassed ... belt it out. "O Canada" may not have the most inspiring lyrics in the world, but it's our anthem (as is God Save the Queen) and we sing it out loud. Like when we won the world hockey championship (AGAIN) this year, eh.

The British national anthem is a dirge and has no relevance today. It just perpetuates the myth that the monarchy means something, as do the annual awards. KBE, MBE, OBE and the like! We don’t have an empire.

jambutty 05-07-2007 11:45

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 444691)
The flag of St. George was flying merrily from the flagpole outside of the Town Hall on Tuesday.

No known sporting occasion, or nationalist rally was evident.;)

The flag of St George is better than nothing.

jambutty 05-07-2007 11:50

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 444693)
No I won't and you know full well that wasn't my point. If everyone was flying the flag (as they do during sporting events) there is no question, however, when there are a few stray flags flying outside people's houses that does often give the impression that it's BNP.

It is time that we took back the Union Flag from the BNP. In fact the government should pass legislation banning the use of the Union Flag as a symbol for an organisation, political or otherwise.

SPUGGIE J 05-07-2007 12:01

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by jambutty (Post 444702)
The British national anthem is a dirge and has no relevance today. It just perpetuates the myth that the monarchy means something, as do the annual awards. KBE, MBE, OBE and the like! We don’t have an empire.

So very true but sadly they wish they did as Britain had power in those days and was mighty enough not to be pushed around (though the got a black eye or two). The medals and titles are to boost the ego of some and also let others dream of what they missed. Personally I would get rid of them as we as a modern country and society dont need them. They are a gimmic at the end of the day, but would keep Owd Lizzie as she has her uses.

Wynonie Harris 05-07-2007 12:50

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 444693)
No I won't and you know full well that wasn't my point. If everyone was flying the flag (as they do during sporting events) there is no question, however, when there are a few stray flags flying outside people's houses that does often give the impression that it's BNP.

Gayle, my comment was tongue-in-cheek (sorry, I should have put a :) there!). However, I agree with Jambutty's point, political and other organisations shouldn't be able to use...or misuse...our national flag.

cashman 05-07-2007 13:02

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 444693)
If everyone was flying the flag (as they do during sporting events) there is no question, however, when there are a few stray flags flying outside people's houses that does often give the impression that it's BNP.

agree about the impression given gayle, but its THAT that wants sorting, people should be able to fly the national flag at will (NON POLITICAL)

Eric 05-07-2007 13:06

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by jambutty (Post 444702)
The British national anthem is a dirge and has no relevance today. It just perpetuates the myth that the monarchy means something, as do the annual awards. KBE, MBE, OBE and the like! We don’t have an empire.

I don't think that it matters what it sounds like (altho' twinkle twinkle little star would not quite fit). And if anthems were not slow and simple, most would not be able to follow them. Half of ours is in French, and even the cowboys in Alberta have no trouble with that.:) The idea that anthems should reflect current values, and not only that, but all shades of opinion from the BNP, which I assume is the current British version of the NSDAP, is a little silly. It is the idea of the anthem that is important. It reflects not the current and fluctuating attitudes, but enduring -albeit under siege - values and ideals, and the many things in history that one can be proud of.

Have to admit that I do find the awards a little anachronistic. But not having an Empire is a good idea. Now if we could only convince GWB of that ... but that is another story.:rolleyes:

***Mr D*** 05-07-2007 17:20

Re: Fly The Flag
So are we saying I am not allowed to fly a Union Jack or a St Georges Cross outside my house?

Or if I did I would be classed as a member of BNP or worse?

cashman 05-07-2007 17:49

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** (Post 444784)
So are we saying I am not allowed to fly a Union Jack or a St Georges Cross outside my house?

Or if I did I would be classed as a member of BNP or worse?

yes MR D i think some dipsticks would say that.;)

Stanaccy 05-07-2007 21:16

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by Gayle (Post 444693)
No I won't and you know full well that wasn't my point. If everyone was flying the flag (as they do during sporting events) there is no question, however, when there are a few stray flags flying outside people's houses that does often give the impression that it's BNP.

I do understand that the far right stole the flag in the 70s, and I can see why people of my generation have a difficulty differentiating between patriotism and nationalism(in it's worst case).

However this has not stopped numerous organisations and bands trying to reclaim the flag which is something I applaud.

I personally do prefer the Flag of St George rather than the Union Flag but this has more to with aesthetics than politics.

shillelagh 05-07-2007 21:26

Re: Fly The Flag
Theres a St Georges flag flying outside the church at Rising Bridge which is now a private house. Its been flying there for a couple of months.

lancsdave 05-07-2007 21:36

Re: Fly The Flag

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 444919)
Theres a St Georges flag flying outside the church at Rising Bridge which is now a private house. Its been flying there for a couple of months.

We noticed one flyng from a church as your'e going in to Blackburn.

We also noticed a Hyndburn road sweeper vehicle flying a scottish flag. Bet he would be sacked if it was a St George flag or Union Jack :rolleyes:

Lolly 05-07-2007 21:36

Re: Fly The Flag
We should be able to fly our flag with pride. Like these people:

The Sun Online - News: We're all proud to fly the flag

Don't Americans fly their flags with pride outside most homes and government buildings (and rightly so!!)

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