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cashman 03-07-2016 13:22

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates (Post 1171724)
Labour can rest easy now, the White Knights, in the form of Blair and Kinnock, are charging to the rescue of the Labour Party and are going to save the country from itself over the EU.
I think there may be something in the report that Corbyn will stay in position until the Chilcot Report is published on Wednesday and he can then call Blair a liar - in Parliament of course, therefore with impunity other than a slapped wrist from the Speaker. Another interesting week ahead.

Oh well if a war criminal and a money grabbing euro chappie can rescue Labour all must be well.:rolleyes:

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 13:40

Re: Labour Party
Both of these men are hairy flatulent bum holes and I would not trust either of them as far as I could spit.
I can think of nothing good to say about either one of them.
I just hope that come Wednesday that grinning Tony Blair is in handcuffs and being held for war crimes....he is a despicable liar.
Rant over!

Less 03-07-2016 14:11

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates (Post 1171724)
Labour can rest easy now, the White Knights, in the form of Blair and Kinnock, are charging to the rescue of the Labour Party and are going to save the country from itself over the EU.
I think there may be something in the report that Corbyn will stay in position until the Chilcot Report is published on Wednesday and he can then call Blair a liar - in Parliament of course, therefore with impunity other than a slapped wrist from the Speaker. Another interesting week ahead.

We can all sleep easier in our beds then, or can we?[emoji15]

cashman 03-07-2016 14:58

Re: Labour Party
Our sad excuse for an M.P. says on twitter "A Poll shows the majority of Labour Voters want J.C. to go" I recall last week the polls saying Remain would win, The sooner this snake of ours is evicted from the pit the better imho. Blair is telling us now what we should be doing, I remember that piece of crap telling us Saddam had WMDs He is responsible in my mind for the snakes in the party i loved, today.

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 15:04

Re: Labour Party
Thankfully I do not do twitter..or read it either.
Ipads are too expensive to keep replacing.

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 15:06

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Laatab (Post 1171719)
Watson is a guy who is playing both ends against the middle imo. Wouldn't trust him with a potted plant.

I also think there are others in the Corbyn camp who are stirring the pot too.
They say you should keep your friends close(they know where the bodies are buried) but keep your enemies even closer..

cashman 03-07-2016 15:06

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1171733)
Thankfully I do not do twitter..or read it either.
Ipads are too expensive to keep replacing.

I mainly read it Margaret, to see how much crap i need to wipe off.;)

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 15:20

Re: Labour Party
I don't need to wipe it because I don't subscribe

accyman 03-07-2016 15:40

Re: Labour Party
does anyone have a labour manifesto handy im out of loo roll

mind you it would probably leave more crap on my arse than there was originally

JCB 03-07-2016 15:43

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1171731)
Our sad excuse for an M.P. says on twitter "A Poll shows the majority of Labour Voters want J.C. to go"

If he's quoting the YouGov poll did Mr Jones also twitter that the poll also revealed 60% of Labour Party members said Labour MPs were wrong to try and force Jeremy Corbyn out by resigning ?

On the subject of majorities , I doubt Mr Jones will twitter that he was not elected MP last year by a majority of the Hyndburn electorate .

I doubt he will twitter that the majority of Hyndburn voters on the 23rd June voted to leave the EU .

It wouldn't surprise me though if he had an inclination towards supporting Mr Blairs' view today about having a second referendum .

There is too much talk creeping in about this second referendum .

It makes me wonder what the Tory/Labour establishment might be plotting behind the scenes .

After all we are just the plebs who happen to vote , but whose votes in the end might count for very little .

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 15:46

Re: Labour Party
Maybe our MP has a spare one to help you out.

Margaret Pilkington 03-07-2016 15:53

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by JCB (Post 1171741)
If he's quoting the YouGov poll did Mr Jones also twitter that the poll also revealed 60% of Labour Party members said Labour MPs were wrong to try and force Jeremy Corbyn out by resigning ?

On the subject of majorities , I doubt Mr Jones will twitter that he was not elected MP last year by a majority of the Hyndburn electorate .

I doubt he will twitter that the majority of Hyndburn voters on the 23rd June voted to leave the EU .

It wouldn't surprise me though if he had an inclination towards supporting Mr Blairs' view today about having a second referendum .

There is too much talk creeping in about this second referendum .

It makes me wonder what the Tory/Labour establishment might be plotting behind the scenes .

After all we are just the plebs who happen to vote , but whose votes in the end might count for very little .

He has said ' if the will of the people changes, why shouldn't we recognise it '
Good is just a shame you could not recognise it before the Iraq war.....when have politicians listened or responded to anything that the electorate has said before. The only time they will respond is when it is in their interests rather than ours.

I am also very suspicious of the skulduggery going on in the background and the great reluctance to invoke article 50 which sets the wheels of our exit in motion.

shillelagh 03-07-2016 16:04

Re: Labour Party
I give up

cashman 03-07-2016 16:12

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by shillelagh (Post 1171744)
I give up

Its took yeh a long time to give up wi this lot jen.:D

accyman 03-07-2016 19:15

Re: Labour Party
the limp wristed remain londoners that are protesting are only there because government is on their doorstep so its not too much effort to do so

however if you screw over the leave people , the people willing to get stuck in and put this country right there will be more than a few signs with swear words on

the last time a tory government screwed over people outside of london it didnt end well for them or London

something they shoudl consider before thinking of going back on the referendum

Margaret Pilkington 04-07-2016 10:42

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1171726)
I just hope that come Wednesday that grinning Tony Blair is in handcuffs and being held for war crimes....he is a despicable liar.
Rant over!

What a vain hope that was...that Tony Blair(spit) should be called to account for his actions over the Iraq War. It seems that ahead of the long awaited two and a half million word report by Chilcot, he will not face any charges...yet the poor bl**dy soldiers could be indicted for war crimes.
Teflon Tony rides again (the bar steward).

Barrie Yates 04-07-2016 17:53

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1171798)
What a vain hope that was...that Tony Blair(spit) should be called to account for his actions over the Iraq War. It seems that ahead of the long awaited two and a half million word report by Chilcot, he will not face any charges...yet the poor bl**dy soldiers could be indicted for war crimes.
Teflon Tony rides again (the bar steward).

I do suspect that Corbyn is hanging on so that he can call Blair a liar with impunity and call for his impeachment. I certainly hope so

Margaret Pilkington 04-07-2016 18:15

Re: Labour Party
Me too too.

Laatab 04-07-2016 18:55

Re: Labour Party
I would expect be the Chilcott report will throw a few squaddies to the wolves and the rest will be a whitewash. Blair's starting to look like quite a sinister figure who not only has a unhealthy controlling influence amongst the PLP but according to Peter Hitchins, who you can say what you like about, but can hardly be accused of being a conspiracy theorist, points out that he has the same influence amongst the conservatives MP's.

cashman 06-07-2016 11:25

Re: Labour Party
Actually the chilcott report seems to show Blair as an incompetent liar which i heartily agree with, after listening to Chilcotts summery this morning.;)

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 11:32

Re: Labour Party
Let us hope that the families will feel heartened enough to proceed with a move to impeach the Blair liar.....though I will not hold my breath.
The snake is saying he took the actions in good faith.
Well, in the words of Jim Royle I would say 'good faith my ar$e'.

As an aside, I really thought that the Chilcot Report would be a whitewash......I was wrong and I apologise for that.

Now let's see Teflon Tony in the dock indicted for war crimes.....that would be a cherry on the cake

cashman 06-07-2016 12:20

Re: Labour Party
How could he have taken it in good faith??? the chilcott report says he sent bush a love letter saying "We would be with him whatever":rolleyes: the only faith that piece of crap took it in was faith it would reward him at some point imho

Less 06-07-2016 12:26

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1171894)
Let us hope that the families will feel heartened enough to proceed with a move to impeach the Blair liar.....though I will not hold my breath.
The snake is saying he took the actions in good faith.
Well, in the words of Jim Royle I would say 'good faith my ar$e'.

As an aside, I really thought that the Chilcot Report would be a whitewash......I was wrong and I apologise for that.

Now let's see Teflon Tony in the dock indicted for war crimes.....that would be a cherry on the cake

If convicted would the proceeds of any earnings made in connection with his crimes over the past few years be confiscated?

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 12:31

Re: Labour Party
The nub of the matter is that he failed. He failed to take note of the groundswell of opinion, there were meetings of small groups of ministers and these were said to be 'informal' which means that the records are sketchy or non existent.
Always distrust such meetings, it is usually informal because there is mischief afoot.
Tony Blair has released what is considered to be a holding statement. What that means he is slathering himself with legal grease to slime his way out of the frame of blame.

I hope he IS impeached. He is a despicable man, with no ethics, no morals and he has no mitigating circumstances.

cashman 06-07-2016 12:43

Re: Labour Party
Have just seen a pic of Blair saying " By the time a court case is brought against me, i will be diagnosed with dementia and be unfit to stand trial" Now that would not be much of a shock to me.:rolleyes:

Exile on Spencer St 06-07-2016 13:23

Re: Labour Party
Bliar knows exactly how long Yuman Rights lawyers can string out a case that involves corruption in government. He's married to one who's made a living out of it.

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 13:27

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1171901)
Have just seen a pic of Blair saying " By the time a court case is brought against me, i will be diagnosed with dementia and be unfit to stand trial" Now that would not be much of a shock to me.:rolleyes:

That would be funny....if it were not true......except, the families who lost their sons and daughters, those whose sons and daughters lives have been irrevocably changed, may force the pace a little.(or at least that is what I hope)
Not only that, am I not right in thinking that it would not be a British court that would be doling out the justice?

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 14:20

Re: Labour Party
Just watching Blair....he has offered a really niggardly apology.....and he looks discomfited and he IS squirming......but he is saying he takes the blame and responsibility, but he doesn't appear to be honest(nothing much changed there then).
He says he has to live every day with the decisions he made. I hope he sees those faces in his every waking moment until the day he dies.

cashman 06-07-2016 14:39

Re: Labour Party
Aye a phoney apology but would do the same thing again.:rolleyes:

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 14:53

Re: Labour Party
Yes, and that he apologises, but then says he would do the same again makes it very hollow.
The press journalists are giving him no quarter, they have asked some really pointed questions.....especially when he was asked about Saddam 's contacts with the Middle Eastern countries with whom Tony Blair has traded and made money out of.
There have been times when I have thought he was going to cry.
He is a slimy untruthful person who only wants to save his own skin, the soldiers who died mean absolutely nothing to him.....he just wanted to go down in history.....and he will, but for all of the wrong reasons.

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 14:54

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1171898)
If convicted would the proceeds of any earnings made in connection with his crimes over the past few years be confiscated?

That would be a fair start...especially if it were distributed between the families of those who were killed and maimed doing his bidding.

cashman 06-07-2016 14:56

Re: Labour Party
Just after he went from PM to extra moneybags making, Bush got him many contracts which is why he spent so much time in the USA. dont think that was rewards.:rolleyes:

hilleluk 06-07-2016 15:26

Re: Labour Party
Tony Bliar...Actor first, Prime Minister second. His Interview this afternoon was pathetic, he lied

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 16:34

Re: Labour Party
He kept hanging onto the phrase 'good faith'.....just because you believe something does not make it true.
It was his JOB to make sure that the intelligence was up to date and relevant BEFORE he committed the lives of British servicemen and women to a cause that the country was against.
He says that he cannot walk down the street and hold his head up(he didn't say that everywhere he goes he has a bodyguard) because people remember him for his past deeds.
Aaw got rich of the back of your is the price you have to pay...get over it.
The parents of those who were killed will never get over the betrayal of their sons and daughters....their price is more than yours.

MargaretR 06-07-2016 16:45

Re: Labour Party
There is one name missing from the Iraq war casualty list - Dr David Kelly

hilleluk 06-07-2016 17:17

Re: Labour Party
You are so right Margaret well written

Margaret Pilkington 06-07-2016 19:11

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 1171926)
There is one name missing from the Iraq war casualty list - Dr David Kelly

Margaret, you are so right...and if I am honest I thought that this inquiry would be similar to that investigation into the death of Dr David Kelly......but it appears to have been a better job.
Maybe someday the truth about that event will surface too.

cashman 06-07-2016 20:59

Re: Labour Party This is so typical of the SCUM that want to run Labour.:(

cashman 06-07-2016 21:29

Re: Labour Party
Seems that link not found, it was saying a Labour M.P. telling Corbyn to sit down and shut up when he was criticizing the Iraq War this afternoon, musn't call Tony.:mad:

Margaret Pilkington 07-07-2016 07:08

Re: Labour Party
Tony Blair is upset that we all keep calling him a liar.....that name is gentle next to what many of the population think of him.
He IS a liar.......he is responsible for taking us into a conflict before all avenues had been explored.
He failed to get the intelligence information corroborated.......he took the decision to be an ally to the US eight months BEFORE the war started......and there is evidence of this written by his own hand.

Jack Straw also played a part in this situation too. He exaggerated the dangers of not going to war.
Alistair Campbell was in on it too.......all of them should find themselves in front of a judge at a War Crimes tribunal.

Tony Blair was driven by hubris....pride. He had a Messianic complex.
He says he is sorry. He expresses regret, but those sentiments are cancelled out by the words 'I would do it all again' lessons learned there then.

cashman 07-07-2016 07:27

Re: Labour Party
Blair i believe is sorry, Sorry the truth has been put on public display its that simple. imho

Barrie Yates 07-07-2016 08:01

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1171953)
Blair i believe is sorry, Sorry the truth has been put on public display its that simple. imho

It appeared to me that he has had a few training sessions at RADA.

Margaret Pilkington 07-07-2016 09:40

Re: Labour Party
No Barrie...I think he has trained a few at RADA...Tears? they were the crocodile sort...purely for the camera's and to fool the people.
Tony Blair has only one concern and that is for himself...egocentric, narcissistic,megalomaniac liar that he is.
I despise him for how he(and his ilk) have ruined this country.
I hope his right ear falls off into his left pocket.

yerself 08-07-2016 18:02

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman
Seems that link not found, it was saying a Labour M.P. telling Corbyn to sit down and shut up when he was criticizing the Iraq War this afternoon,

Try this one: Chilcot report: Labour MP Ian Austin accused of being 'unpleasant bully' after heckling Jeremy Corbyn in Parliament | UK Politics | News | The Independent

cashman 08-07-2016 18:22

Re: Labour Party
Its seems the vipers, including our own M.P. are going to attempt another snake like scheme on Monday, I honestly wish they ALL would die.

DaveinGermany 08-07-2016 19:07

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1172071)
I honestly wish they ALL would die.

Carefully mate! You'll have the plod kicking your door down & dragging you off down the local nick for thought crimes & hate speech. :eek:

cashman 08-07-2016 19:11

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1172076)
Carefully mate! You'll have the plod kicking your door down & dragging you off down the local nick for thought crimes & hate speech. :eek:

Well if they do dave i will have summat to say on my day in court.;)

cashman 08-07-2016 19:35

Re: Labour Party
Hey i did say honestly Dave, can i be done for telling the truth? i'm sincere about it!!

taddy 08-07-2016 20:13

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1172089)
Hey i did say honestly Dave, can i be done for telling the truth? i'm sincere about it!!

Careful Cashy, I think that there is such a thing as a hate crime and wishing some one dead could (I think), be classed as such but never mind my wife is good at making cakes and I have plenty of files.

Margaret Pilkington 08-07-2016 21:26

Re: Labour Party
Cashy, I wouldn't worry. I don't think you would be jailed(you'd probably get litter picking duty)...and if you were you would be a hero.

cashman 08-07-2016 21:28

Re: Labour Party
I never worry margaret, just say what i think, ask no-one to agree, dont care if they dont.;)

Margaret Pilkington 08-07-2016 22:13

Re: Labour Party
I know that is who you are....and it is who you will always be.
Never explain.

Guinness 08-07-2016 22:33

Re: Labour Party
I’m getting angrier by the minute by the innocuous and fatuous twitter crud coming from the idiotic voted in member for Hyndburn….tweeting how labour MP’s were, and I quote ‘IN FLOODS OF TEARS’ after an anti-Corbyn speech by the freeloading head of the Kinnock family (whose main claim to fame is failure to defeat Thatcher, falling over on a beach and having a nice little earner in the EU for him and the missus.)

I’m in floods of tears at how my party has been hijacked by self serving know it alls who ignore the people who voted them in.

I’m in floods of tears at how my MP ignores my wishes and the wishes of his party members and chooses to side with a couple of hundred politicians probably led by Mandleson and Campbell.

I’m in floods of tears how my MP has still not stated that he will abide by the decision made by the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of his constituency in the recent referendum are a disgrace! You do NOT represent me, nor do you represent the majority of people in Hyndburn, you represent YOURSELF!

If I didn’t like my boss..I wouldn’t post other peoples comments on twitter..I’d speak my mind and then I’d quit…because I have dignity…

Then again I’m not a self serving, PLP brown noser, looking to maintain my public funded wage and grow my public funded pension.

cashman 09-07-2016 07:28

Re: Labour Party
Guinness you are spot on.

cashman 09-07-2016 12:10

Re: Labour Party
Angela Eagle says she is going to launch a bid for leadership on Monday, if she does, with any luck,the BITCH will get severely thrashed by the labour membership.

accyman 09-07-2016 13:13

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 1172071)
I honestly wish they ALL would die.

i wish i was a Genie id grant that

Guinness 09-07-2016 21:01

Re: Labour Party
And the answer to the countrys woes, the answer to a flawed media based argument of an unelectable leader, the answer to reuniting a splintered party…is…

(drum roll)

Angela Eagle….


Cries a lot (during speeches and resignations), friendly with the Kinnock clan (EU spongers).

Voted FOR the Iraq war..voted AGAINST holding an inquiry. Supported in this leadership challenge by MP’s who also voted for the Iraq war and who voted against the inquiry. (Please Note..she doesn’t like being called a Blairite despite agreeing with almost everything he said and stood for)

Made a complete and utter dogs nether regions of the arguments and resorted to name calling and personal attacks when faced with Angela Leadsom on live TV during brexit

This is a person who our incumbent muppet thinks could win more votes than Corbyn.

Margaret Pilkington 09-07-2016 21:39

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Guinness (Post 1172152)
This is a person who our incumbent muppet thinks could win more votes than Corbyn.

You have to admit though.....he has been wrong about a lot of things lately.
It may just be that Jeremy Corbyn puts himself on the ballot paper and is re-elected by Labour Party members.
What would happen then?

The whole thing is an unholy mess, at a time when the country requires that people put their differences behind them and they work for the good of UK plc....or is that too much to ask?

cashman 09-07-2016 21:50

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1172153)
You have to admit though.....he has been wrong about a lot of things lately.
It may just be that Jeremy Corbyn puts himself on the ballot paper and is re-elected by Labour Party members.
What would happen then?

The whole thing is an unholy mess, at a time when the country requires that people put their differences behind them and they work for the good of UK plc....or is that too much to ask?

I honestly think its for the best if hes re-elected and Labour dissolves, I for one no longer want these snakes anywhere near democracy. they dont even know the meaning, if it means Socialism slowly rebuilds afterwards it can only be good for my grandchildren. imho.

cashman 13-07-2016 07:09

Re: Labour Party
Graham Jones is still constantly tweeting about getting a strong labour leader and such stuff,asking people to join to get rid of J.C. and then they would have to pay £25 for the privilege of voting.:rolleyes: Perhaps someone should start a petition to get rid of Graham? I would certainly sign it.

Exile on Spencer St 13-07-2016 18:49

Re: Labour Party
I thought I heard someone saying on the radio recently that any who's joined the Labour Party after some time earlier this year (was it May?) will not be allowed to vote in this latest leadership election. The implication was that this 'rule' had been introduced to thwart any new Korbynistas.
So does Accy's MP not know the rules?

Eric 13-07-2016 19:36

Re: Labour Party
At last! Some positive news from Downing Street. Proof that the UK has not gone to the dogs.;)

U.K. prime ministers come and go, but Larry the cat is staying put - Trending - CBC News

cashman 13-07-2016 20:26

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Exile on Spencer St (Post 1172392)
I thought I heard someone saying on the radio recently that any who's joined the Labour Party after some time earlier this year (was it May?) will not be allowed to vote in this latest leadership election. The implication was that this 'rule' had been introduced to thwart any new Korbynistas.
So does Accy's MP not know the rules?

They will be i understand if they pay £25.:rolleyes:

Margaret Pilkington 13-07-2016 21:00

Re: Labour Party
I thought that I had heard that you had to have been a member for six months or more to be allowed to vote in this leadership election......after all, some people would pay £25 to keep Jeremy Corbyn where he is.....and these may not be true Labour party supporters...but people who want the in fighting to continue and weaken the Labour party still further.

cashman 13-07-2016 21:12

Re: Labour Party
I doubt very much it could be weakened even further Margaret, to me its already been virtually destroyed, by the nest of snakes thats infested it,in fact ive heard more from the new prime minister tonight than those snakes, that the penny seems to dropped with her, that the voters are seriously dis-enfranchised, and she seems to be gonna try to correct that! remains to be seen if thats gonna happen, but at least shes talking the talk? Those snakes would do well to take notice i think. somehow i doubt if the self - centered gets will though.:(

Margaret Pilkington 13-07-2016 21:18

Re: Labour Party
Yes, you are right Cashy...I think the swell of public opinion has surprised...nay shocked the politicians. I don't think they believed for one moment that the British people felt as let down, as duped and misused.
We have been ignored for far too long......the politicians have taken us for numpties(our own representative said that he didn't think we had the intellect to decide what was the right way to go over the EU)...but at last people have decided that they have had enough of getting what the politicians thought was best for us....what they wanted to give us(crumbs mainly)

There is a long way to go yet, but we have to step out with Hope.

cashman 13-07-2016 21:22

Re: Labour Party
To be honest Margaret, i NEVER thought i'd ever say that about a Tory P.M. but so far she gets credit from me, hope she dont destroy it.;)

AccyMad 14-07-2016 06:32

Re: Labour Party
She spoke well yesterday, I'll give her that but then goes & puts Boris the Buffoon in office as Foreign Secretary??? Hmmmm!

Margaret Pilkington 14-07-2016 07:05

Re: Labour Party
I think there is more to Boris than meets the eye(the buffoonery might be a facade).......although he is prone to put his foot in it from time to time, but then lots of politicians put their foot in it. Some of them have the ability to wipe it off their shoe and then get on with it.

Margaret Pilkington 14-07-2016 07:14

Re: Labour Party
Now let's see if the new PM will close tax loopholes, restructure HMRC, make corporate giants pay their share.
I would also like to see her drop the HS2 project which is going to cost 42.6 billion massively over budget and will benefit very few.
Put that money into the I frastructure of rolling stock,better conditions for commuters, lower rail fares.
I can think of many other things that she could do with this money.....and many other ways she could get the country up and running.

cashman 14-07-2016 07:50

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by AccyMad (Post 1172423)
She spoke well yesterday, I'll give her that but then goes & puts Boris the Buffoon in office as Foreign Secretary??? Hmmmm!

In fairness, she dont seem a dummy to me, what worries me more, is people who cant read between the lines.;)

Exile on Spencer St 15-07-2016 10:29

Re: Labour Party
Not that this has anything to do with the thread topic but, delighted as I am about the referendum result, I reserve my judgement about May.
Good that some Brexiteers have got what seems to be the job of getting out of the EU but I'm wary that an arch-remainer like Hammond, who was one of the worst offenders when it came to spouting Project Fear, is at the Treasury. Hammond reckons it will take six years to get free!
The Treasury has a long history of thwarting any change or reform and, if he and his Whitehall mandarins can stall any decision for four years (you can predict the doom-mongering predictions from so-called Treasury forecasters, and cries for more time, whenever a deal looks close) the next general election could end up being, in effect, a second referendum, but with all mainstream parties wanting to remain.
Hope I'm wrong but "Brexit means Brexit" from the mouth of a seasoned politician may not be quite the same as "Leave means Leave".

Guinness 15-07-2016 22:06

Re: Labour Party
So..candidate Angela Eagles polls at 2%, her own constituency disavows her..but hey brownnoser Jones continues on his merry way..

For the past 2 weeks he has retweeted saving labour..join the party and get shut of Corbyn for £2..the unions get involved and say join the party for £2 and vote Corbyn…Jones then has the temerity to infer that the union is attempting to fix the vote…(seriously I did not make that up). Then the ‘party of the people’ in response to realising that they are screwed again…puts up membership fees to £25..thats a 1500% rise….about a third of the weekly benefit paid to the unemployed industry workers of the north that the Blairites (and by extension Jones) forgot and continue to forget.

Jones is also banging on about abuse being given by supporters of Corbyn, whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that Corbyns constituency office was attacked.

But hey…there is another challenger..Owen whatisface….who??? yup..I can’t even remember his name either..

What mainstream media fail to do is be unbiased…

And by the way.....when did Jones say anything as profound as this in parliament…

‘I find it deeply distasteful that the British Prime Minister can use the medieval powers of royal prerogative to send young men and women to die, to kill civilians and for young Iraqis to die. It will set off a spiral of conflict, misery, hate and desperation that will fuel wars, terrorism, depression and misery of future generations’..

and Corbyn said this in 2003..he didn’t jump on the Milliband/Eagle/whatshisface bandwagon to further his political career at the expense of his principles and his constituents.

Hang your head in shame Jones, and please God when Corbyn is resolutely reselected you fall on the blade you used to backstab your constituents from xxx and fade into the obscurity you deserve..

p.s. remember the days when local labor mp's used to talk about the quality of b&b's in Blackpool..Jones has recently been espousing the beauty of patagonia #partyofthepeople

cashman 16-07-2016 07:35

Re: Labour Party
Owen is another complete knob,saying yesterday he wants a 2nd referendum if elected, these useless people must think democracy is "Best Of 3" or summat, just wish they would "ALL" depart, form their own party, leave Labour to rebuild, back to socialism.:rolleyes:

wadey 16-07-2016 14:08

Re: Labour Party
Whenever the Labour party gets a left leaning leader everybody starts kicking off, it's all very strange

cashman 16-07-2016 14:14

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by wadey (Post 1172547)
Whenever the Labour party gets a left leaning leader everybody starts kicking off, it's all very strange

Not really wadey, Blair turned many to Torys in Labour clothing.;)

yerself 17-07-2016 10:42

Re: Labour Party
A bloke from Hull has tweeted:

Laatab 17-07-2016 12:44

Re: Labour Party
Graham Jones is conducting a poll on Trident and his performance. If anyone wants to take part here is the link

accyman 17-07-2016 13:31

Re: Labour Party
have to laugh at labour supporters crying about how we now have an unelected prime minister

it didnt bother them when brown took over and they were prepared to jump in to bed with the lib dems to keep power but the lib dems chose to go with Cameron

mind you these are the same people saying the referendum wanst fair lol

Barrie Yates 17-07-2016 16:27

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Laatab (Post 1172593)
Graham Jones is conducting a poll on Trident and his performance. If anyone wants to take part here is the link

The lazy bar steward should get off his rear end and get out around town, or knock on doors and ask people to their face - he may even take notice of what they say, but unfortunately he believes that 95% of us don't know what we are talking about anyway.

Margaret Pilkington 17-07-2016 17:26

Re: Labour Party
Why does he want to know how we voted in the referendum?
Why is this a required field?
I have not wasted my time filling it out...but I did waste my time reading it.
It is a meaningless bit of fluff which will tell him nothing that he doesn't already know....or at least he should know!

cashman 17-07-2016 18:24

Re: Labour Party
Probably so he can avoid em.;) if so thats me out the picture.:D

taddy 17-07-2016 19:05

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1172608)
Why does he want to know how we voted in the referendum?
Why is this a required field?
I have not wasted my time filling it out...but I did waste my time reading it.
It is a meaningless bit of fluff which will tell him nothing that he doesn't already know....or at least he should know!

I filled in the form until I reached the "how did you vote in the referendum", I even filled in the question have you ever voted labour in any general election, Yes I have voted Labour in every general election since I was 21 year's old, I am now 69 years old but my vote has alway's been in a so called secret ballot, so why, as Marge say's is this a required field. As for do I support Corbyn! he got the job by default in the first place, thousands spent the price of a pint in order to join the Labour Party on a temporary basis, I/E in order to get a vote, I didn't, I spent less than three pounds on some thing worthwhile, (A pint of real ale in the Peel Park).

Read into this as you will Graham.Your's a disgruntled Taddy.

taddy 17-07-2016 19:08

Re: Labour Party
Sorry Graham, that should have finished, "a disgruntled Taddy"

accyman 17-07-2016 19:26

Re: Labour Party
no matter how belittling he is of the people of Hyndburn he still gets elected so i think the blame is equal really until people stop voting for the party and look closer at the person

Margaret Pilkington 17-07-2016 20:25

Re: Labour Party
Accyman I voted for the person.
I really believed(mistakenly, it seems) that because he came form the town, because he had served as a town councillor, because he knew the concerns and difficulties of the area, he would serve us well.
I could not have been more wrong.
Well, believe this. I will not be voting for him again

Less 17-07-2016 20:50

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Laatab (Post 1172593)
Graham Jones is conducting a poll on Trident and his performance. If anyone wants to take part here is the link

opened the link, how do you know this is 95% bollox talking?

If it is him could it not be yet another, talk to XXX members of your constituents as if they know nowt?

Less 17-07-2016 20:58

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by accyman (Post 1172614)
no matter how belittling he is of the people of Hyndburn he still gets elected so i think the blame is equal really until people stop voting for the party and look closer at the person

EXCUSE me, I only voted for him once, watch this space, if I am ever stupid enough to vote for him twice, I will be arrested for indecent exposure on the town hall steps, (I hope I won't be accompanied by Cashy and Mag P' they should have more sense).

Margaret Pilkington 17-07-2016 21:41

Re: Labour Party
I have certainly learned my I think that you might just be on your own Less....but somehow i don't think you are that daft

Less 18-07-2016 05:44

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1172631)
I have certainly learned my I think that you might just be on your own Less....but somehow i don't think you are that daft

95% of me probably is, or might be, possibly, perhaps, if only we had a system where someone could be put into power and instead of representing me he could tell me I'm too stupid to vote for him...

...Hang on, we've got a Jones for that!

Margaret Pilkington 18-07-2016 07:00

Re: Labour Party
All I would say to that Less not believe everything you are told.....especially when it is a politician telling you......Even more so when that politician can see something in it for himself!

cashman 18-07-2016 09:11

Re: Labour Party
Have just seen another ridiculous tweet from the man "WHO" pretends to represent us!!! IT says under Corbyn, every social class would prefer Teresa, Well sorry i disagree, it should say under you and your nest of vipers, every social class would prefer Teresa, least thats the truth of things from me and people i know,:rolleyes:

Barrie Yates 18-07-2016 18:47

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1172608)
Why does he want to know how we voted in the referendum?
Why is this a required field?
I have not wasted my time filling it out...but I did waste my time reading it.
It is a meaningless bit of fluff which will tell him nothing that he doesn't already know....or at least he should know!

Same here MP, he doesn't live a million miles away from us, yet as a representative of the people he hasn't even had the courtesy to knock on the door and introduce himself - perhaps he has read some of my postings?

cashman 19-07-2016 10:43

Re: Labour Party
Another glorious tweet, If J.C.wins the leadership contest the party will remain split, There will no fixing it,no winner, no unity,& 4th rate opposition, our rep says, Well to me this is another example of a complete disregard for democracy,Not one of these M.P.s should remain in the Labour Party, just sod off, as ive said before NEVER will i vote Labour in a General Election ever again while scum like this remain not supporting an elected leader, and i know for FACT, i am certainly far from the only one that holds this view.:mad:

Laatab 19-07-2016 13:02

Re: Labour Party
Does anyone know what this delegation from hyndburn to westminster that Graham Jones lead last week? I suspect it was councillors and Asian community leaders as he later announced that hyndburn councillors signed a letter in support of a third runway at Heathrow.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

Less 19-07-2016 15:29

Re: Labour Party
No doubt I'll be called prejudiced however I don't like this extra layer that has come to the fore in politics.
We used to have Councillor's and M.P's that was it.
Now we have the above and Asian community leaders affecting our lives.
I don't remember voting for them, I don't remember Asians voting for them but, somehow their opinion seems to be considered far more than that of ALL our individuals no matter what colour. Surely this body of men should have to stand before ALL their peers and elected before they are allowed to make decisions that affect us all?😨

Laatab 19-07-2016 16:52

Re: Labour Party
Just for clarity less I'm guessing who they were from the photo he tweeted.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

Less 19-07-2016 17:07

Re: Labour Party

Originally Posted by Laatab (Post 1172708)
Just for clarity less I'm guessing who they were from the photo he tweeted.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

It may be a guess on your behalf, I would still like someone to explain what extra rights do Asians have to add an extra layer, the street I live on, I'm part of a minority, that, I don't mind, my neighbours seem law abiding and hard working, but, if there is an Asian community leader for my district that is influencing where and how I live, surely democracy says I not only should know whom he is but that I also get a choice to vote for him, (notice I say him, how many women are there representing my community?).

Less 19-07-2016 17:34

Re: Labour Party
Just noticed, I called it my community, shouldn't that in itself mean I'm included in any decisions involving where I live?

Or am I to be excluded from any plans for my future because I'm a minority?

That surely is racist?

Laatab 19-07-2016 17:40

Re: Labour Party
Well I had a look again and it's actually nearly all Asian men. If you want to see yourself it was on 12th July. Just look on his timeline. I don't know for sure but its common for the Asian community to vote for whatever their community leaders advise them too.

Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk

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