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MargaretR 10-10-2009 15:51

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752223)
Hi All.

It will fail if you all get off your backside and say no and mean it.

Say 'no' to the vaccine if you want to
If you take it, you consent to that intrusion
.....and that is what you are supposed to do
.....your intuition is the way you will survive the year to come, or not- whatever your part in this big life game is.

I know this sounds rather ambiguous doesn't it?:D

jaysay 10-10-2009 15:52

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Less (Post 752225)
I tell you what if by November the 7th we are all still here will you admit there might be a flaw in your thinking, or even better, just stop posting, that will leave us wondering, 'did he predict his own death'? Ooooerrr, freaky.

We can only hope Less, we can only hope

Life 10-10-2009 15:53

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Margaret I have been studying this a lot longer than Alex Jones.....

I studied the Maya for around five years in the 1990's, if you feel I am all about anger try reading my work @

I entered the spiritual many years before I entered the dark, any other way I would not have completed the path, it is the path.

My message is to those who feel sitting on their backside and waiting for others to do it all for them....will not bring the desired results, neither will floating around in the New Age 'light',(not that i am suggesting you are).

yes of course it will fail..... I have faith in the Englishman and Englishwomen just as soon as they begin to excite, they are not excited yet.

Life 10-10-2009 15:54

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

See Less you seem to misrepresent all I say, who said anything about the end of anything?

jaysay 10-10-2009 15:55

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752228)
Say 'no' to the vaccine if you want to
If you take it, you consent to that intrusion
.....and that is what you are supposed to do
.....your intuition is the way you will survive the year to come, or not- whatever your part in this big life game is.

I know this sounds rather ambiguous doesn't it?:D

Margaret I've been saying no to the flu jab since 1995 and I'm still here, Just:D

MargaretR 10-10-2009 15:58

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Life -
It appears that your 'path' is to 'stir things up'
Every person finds their own way to come to terms with reality.
Some people prefer not to find it - respect that that is their destiny too

Life 10-10-2009 16:01

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

My path is to do whatever I feel is required at any given moment.

Less 10-10-2009 16:02

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752231)
Hi All.

See Less you seem to misrepresent all I say, who said anything about the end of anything?

Perhaps I was clutching at straws? Hoping against hope, that you might just take the hint and retire back to your own sick web site and leave the rest of us to our fate, we don't want to waste what little time the Who have left to us, mind you they made some good records, still being used as title music for CSI.

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:03

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752237)
Hi All.

My path is to do whatever I feel is required at any given moment.

Whatever your intuition directs is your destiny.

addendum - nobody ever dies - how about that then:D

Life 10-10-2009 16:06

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

From my understanding of reality I make my own destinies....

Restless 10-10-2009 16:09

Re: Forced Vaccinations
couldn't be more wrong. I hardly watch british television. I like the odd program here and there. I dont even have an ariel going into the back of my television. I like a few american programs. Fringe, Bones, Simpsons, Futurama, WWE Wrestling(though not so much of that anymore). A few british programs i like. Have i got news for you, mock the week, who's line is it anyway, red dwarf, derren browns shows....Rude tube aint so bad a program that shows a collection of clips from internet. I still hold Bill Hicks as one of my hero's


Originally Posted by Life (Post 752107)

Clutching at straws comes to mind in relation to Restless and lindsay. I will bet my bottom dollar both of you know exactly what is going on in corrie and Eastenders not forgetting of course whatever x factor garbage is on the TV presently.

Life 10-10-2009 16:11

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All .
You quote Benjamin Franklin, are you aware of the fact 10 bodies were found in Craven Street at the house which he owned. 6 of which were children all showing signs of ritual sacrifice. This came to light mid 90's and carbon dating places the deaths to the time he lived there.

He was also a member of the hellfire Club

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:14

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752241)
Hi All.

From my understanding of reality I make my own destinies....

When you decide on a course of action as a result of fear - you are not using intuition.

PS - just seen your last post - I have looked into Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove
Many evil things happen - those days are numbered.
..because we are about to evolve beyond doing them

Life 10-10-2009 16:15

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.
may I ask, are you suggesting I act on fear?

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:25

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752246)
Hi All.
may I ask, are you suggesting I act on fear?

Maybe not - but people who haven't informed themselves fear what they don't know - so it is best to let them find out themselves, and then they can either believe or disbelieve according to what their intuition tells them.
Some people are destined not to know

Restless 10-10-2009 16:31

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Isn't spirituality hand in hand with god... Since i don't believe in god i guess i have no spirituality. I guess that also alienates me and also puts me 'out of the box' as you put it

I have seen the Bohemian Grove tape by Alex Jones. Nothing much to see really. If they are satanists then they are just fools because as god doesn't exist therefore Satan also does not exist. Dunno if any of that makes sense.

i have also spent a lot of time listening to Noam Chomsky whilst at work.

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:34

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 752251)
Isnt spirtuality hand in hand with god... Since i dont believe in god i guess i have no spirtuality. I guess that also alienates me and also puts me 'out of the box' as you put it

I have seen the Bohemian Grove tape by alex jones. Nothing much to see really. If they are satanists then they are just fools because as god doesnt exist therefore satan also does not exist. Dunno if any of that makes sense.

i have also spent a lot of time listneing to noam chomsky whilst at work.

I do not have any religion either but I believe in a universal conciousness of which everything is a part, we happen to manifest in the 3rd dimension - there are others, which we are due to experience soon.

Life 10-10-2009 16:36

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

I am with you up to your last point ..

Many destinies come before me, I do not choose to walk with all of them.
perhaps I should have taken my opportunity when fame and fortune in the music came at last....but I knew it would not be much of a future until the people awakened to the New World Order, and as I looked into the eyes of my children, who would have been very happy to be rich and have a big time rock star dad...yet how could I ever have explained why I did nothing given I knew the reality, had I chose the easy road instead of the bumpy mad one....

Things are indeed moving to a better place, but those who remain asleep to the reality will perish, they will perish because the NWO knows it will fail, and will create as much destruction as they can first. It is not even about dying or living, for this place is a only transitory...but this place is important to the whole, better many awaken before they die needlessly and without fulfilling their reason for being born.

Restless 10-10-2009 16:39

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752252)
I do not have any religion either but I believe in a universal conciousness of which everything is a part, we happen to manifest in the 3rd dimension - there are others, which we are due to experience soon.

I think that is what Bill Hicks believed in

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:40

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752253)
Hi All.

I am with you up to your last point ..

Many destinies come before me, I do not choose to walk with all of them.
perhaps I should have taken my opportunity when fame and fortune in the music came at last....but I knew it would not be much of a future until the people awakened to the New World Order, and as I looked into the eyes of my children, who would have been very happy to be rich and have a big time rock star dad...yet how could I ever have explained why I did nothing given I knew the reality, had I chose the easy road instead of the bumpy mad one....

Things are indeed moving to a better place, but those who remain asleep to the reality will perish, they will perish because the NWO knows it will fail, and will create as much destruction as they can first. It is not even about dying or living, for this place is a only transitory...but this place is important to the whole, better many awaken before they die needlessly and without fulfilling their reason for being born.

No-one 'lives' or 'dies' needlesslessly - all the manifestations(good and bad) in our 3rd dimension are intended to provide universal conciousness with experience of 'creating'

we had better leave this topic now before they send the men in white coats after us:D

Life 10-10-2009 16:40

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

God is relative. How can it be any other way given their are so many ideas of what God is.

To feel one is separate from the source is to allow yourself to be labeled.

Be who you are...not so easy really for most do not even know who they are.

Understand thyself and understand all

Its all in you...

Man has projected everything outside of itself....this is the fall...

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:43

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 752255)
I think that is what Bill Hicks believed in

He did - and George Carlin too - another great comedian who sought to inform using humour (the best way)

MargaretR 10-10-2009 16:45

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752257)
Hi All.

God is relative. How can it be any other way given their are so many ideas of what God is.

To feel one is separate from the source is to allow yourself to be labeled.

Be who you are...not so easy really for most do not even know who they are.

Understand thyself and understand all

Its all in you...

Man has projected everything outside of itself....this is the fall...

Your ego has been showing a lot lately;)

Life 10-10-2009 16:46

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Keep working at it Margaret.....

Restless 10-10-2009 18:21

Re: Forced Vaccinations
The irony of this statment i find is that i am a musician myself .. perhaps somewhat talentless? hehe > Robert Dunn on MySpace Music - Free Streaming MP3s, Pictures & Music Downloads


Originally Posted by Life (Post 752112)
and how to become a talentless star and work for the Freemason Simon Cowell to ensure real artists never see the light of day with the people believing they have real artists filling the musical gap...

Life 10-10-2009 20:02

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Well Restless we do have something in common...So not all bad.

What you play?

Do you use the computer?

Restless 10-10-2009 20:34

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I play guitar and a little keyboard. I use my keyboard for backing tracks and Use a fostex multitrack to record my songs and then mix them on adobe audition on my laptop afterwards.

TBH with out im used to ripping into my mate for his beliefs. Its nothing personal towards you

Life 10-10-2009 20:58

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

I know I give it as though I am cross, but its like water off a ducks back and part of the show...I know if I am going to shove my info down the throats of others I am going to get flack, this is just the way I do it, so no worries on the mickey taking.

I played the drums for a long time with a little guitar and bass, as you do.
I also play the keyboard, and began to write in the computer in 2001.

I used Cubase SX, reason and a **** load of plugins....
Its a great way to express the creative side don't you think?

Restless 10-10-2009 21:40

Re: Forced Vaccinations
my friend writes a lot on computer. I prefer the live feel so to speak

wallop79 10-10-2009 22:17

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I think the answer here is in your user name, you need to get a LIFE! you have been recalled to the Psychiatric ward at Blackburn, your bed is still warm and is needing you back, are you related to another of accys nutters Alan Kitchen, or are you Alan Kitchen!! Its people like you that make the rest of the world laugh so please dont stop, please carry on with your fairy stories they really are entertaining, have you been contacted yet by New of the World as your stories wouldn't be out of place in there, as I said before get a LIFE you sad bastard!

MargaretR 10-10-2009 22:24

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752349)
I think the answer here is in your user name, you need to get a LIFE! you have been recalled to the Psychiatric ward at Blackburn, your bed is still warm and is needing you back, are you related to another of accys nutters Alan Kitchen, or are you Alan Kitchen!! Its people like you that make the rest of the world laugh so please dont stop, please carry on with your fairy stories they really are entertaining, have you been contacted yet by New of the World as your stories wouldn't be out of place in there, as I said before get a LIFE you sad bastard!

There is no need to insult anyone who has beliefs that differ from your own.
Your intolerance is primitive and shows that your mind is closed to any unconventional thoughts.
Such thinking is the basis for all racial and religious intolerance and this will not serve you well in the times of vast change which are now upon us.

wallop79 10-10-2009 22:40

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I personnely think that your as much as a nutter as LIFE, its not a matter of insulting LIFE its my opinion, and I am quite entitled to mine in thinking both him and you are nutters, as for racist & religious intolerance you know absolutely nothing about me so how you can jump to that kind of conclusion is anybodies guess, and what vast changes are upon us pray tell, do you have some crystal ball, or have you got your tarot cards out??

MargaretR 10-10-2009 22:45

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752355)
I personnely think that your as much as a nutter as LIFE, its not a matter of insulting LIFE its my opinion, and I am quite entitled to mine in thinking both him and you are nutters, as for racist & religious intolerance you know absolutely nothing about me so how you can jump to that kind of conclusion is anybodies guess, and what vast changes are upon us pray tell, do you have some crystal ball, or have you got your tarot cards out??

I can only judge you by the way you express your views here - You have not impressed me.
There again - what anyone thinks of anyone else is irrelevant :) my opinion of you matters only to me, and your opinion of me matters to me not at all. I only heed the opinions of people who have earned my respect.

wallop79 10-10-2009 22:48

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Im not out to impress you or anyone else, its called freedom of speech, and if I think someone is a raving lunatic that should be on the local nutters ward thats what I think,

MargaretR 10-10-2009 22:51

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752359)
Im not out to impress you or anyone else, its called freedom of speech, and if I think someone is a raving lunatic that should be on the local nutters ward thats what I think,

You do not express you opinions in a civilised fashion.
Insults provoke aggression - you will be getting some:)

wallop79 10-10-2009 22:55

Re: Forced Vaccinations
good, bring it on !

MargaretR 10-10-2009 22:57

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752362)
good, bring it on !

:confused:bring what on:confused:
I think you are being primitive again:)
I am not aggressive - you will find your life takes unfortunate turns when you involve yourself in negative expression

wallop79 10-10-2009 23:00

Re: Forced Vaccinations
are you some kind of witch?? you seem to think you know all about me, when you know absolutely nothing, do you write the horoscopes in the daily rags, your quotes are very funny

MargaretR 10-10-2009 23:08

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752365)
are you some kind of witch?? you seem to think you know all about me, when you know absolutely nothing, do you write the horoscopes in the daily rags, your quotes are very funny

I only know you from what you write - so you have made an effort to insult someone that you don't know - how logical is that?
You have indicated that he is mentally ill and that he is illegitimate - do you know him?:D

BERNADETTE 10-10-2009 23:52

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Seems a bit ironic that Life can come on here and insult the majority of members without being villified for it but if someone insults him/her they are brought to task. A tad hypocritical berating somebody for doing the exact same as Life IMHO.

MargaretR 11-10-2009 00:23

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE (Post 752382)
Seems a bit ironic that Life can come on here and insult the majority of members without being villified for it but if someone insults him/her they are brought to task. A tad hypocritical berating somebody for doing the exact same as Life IMHO.

He was responding to insults made to him.
I do not approve of his methods, and disagree with some of his views, but I believe he has good intentions - that's the difference.

BERNADETTE 11-10-2009 00:39

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752392)
He was responding to insults made to him.
I do not approve of his methods, and disagree with some of his views, but I believe he has good intentions - that's the difference.

Sorry Margaret but I disagree, most of the answers he/she has given on this thread have been nothing short of insulting to most of the members. If we don't share his/her point of view we are "morons" his/her words. But perhaps the most horrible thing he/she has implied is that if any of our kids get cancer (the ones who opted for the vaccinations that have kept his/her children safe from the likes of whooping cough, measles etc) we are to blame. Without vaccinations these diseases could be rampant today and maybe his/her kids would not be so secure from the threat of a potentially life threatening illness (if indeed they are anyway). I think most of us are capable of finding out any information we may need without someone else pointing the way, we are all on tinternet are we not?

MargaretR 11-10-2009 00:44

Re: Forced Vaccinations
That is why I tried to warn him not to force feed us, by going 'over the top'
He is trying to warn us of dangers he sincerely believes are a threat.
He could just have said nothing - maybe some people didn't even know that there are risks - at least now some may have searched that wouldn't have done before.

jaysay 11-10-2009 09:59

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752246)
Hi All.
may I ask, are you suggesting I act on fear?

No just sod of and leave us in peace, I really pity you if you DO get any serious health problems, then you WILL have something to worry about, poor health is something nobody can legislate for and when it does strike you down you take whatever help is available, the minute you start questioning that help, you may as well give up the ghost, I was fit and healthy and worked 7 days a week until 1980 when I was struck down by illness, not a career move of choice I can tell you, but I'm still here,

jaysay 11-10-2009 10:44

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by wallop79 (Post 752355)
I personnely think that your as much as a nutter as LIFE, its not a matter of insulting LIFE its my opinion, and I am quite entitled to mine in thinking both him and you are nutters, as for racist & religious intolerance you know absolutely nothing about me so how you can jump to that kind of conclusion is anybodies guess, and what vast changes are upon us pray tell, do you have some crystal ball, or have you got your tarot cards out??

I take exception to that Wallop, Margaret is nothing like Life, okay she has her own opinions which people disagree with, but I don't think she goes about putting her ideas and thoughts about with the sole intention of ridiculing others. Margaret doesn't need me to fight her corner, she's quite good at doing that herself. Life set out to rub people up the wrong way from his very first post and is content to carry on doing it, if Margaret wants to put people in their place she ha a more subtle and sometimes more amusing way of doing it;)

Life 11-10-2009 11:49

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

I think any attack on Margarete and then link it to I as if the lady is protecting, is rather pitiful. Margaret knows her stuff and has removed herself out of the emotion rat race, something you all need to learn.

Jay. It is sad that you are in the position you are, but I did not do it, nor did I begin with aggressive speak on did in response to my first post.

I hold no beef with you it is you with I.

I cannot do anything for you Jay in your position, but I can help others to at least begin to see what we have all been told as fact relating to the medical game certainly is not the case at all.

I have been involved in exposing the truth over the propaganda for a long time, I am well aware most at first, respond with anger, then violent anger and then the penny drops, that has always been the way as new ideas and information reach the surface. I have found that to respond in kind across the spectrum allows me to push the info quicker....this time now with this vaccination agenda requires a quick method of release so people can absorb enough to make a balanced decision when or if the time arrives where they push to force the vaccinations.

On that basis I hereby apologise for raising anger levels, but ask you at least understand it is strategy and not my personality. I would not do this if I was about my wellbeing, believe me.

So you have a grasp on the alternative information available not just about the flu vaccine, but vaccines and medication as a whole. Surely you are better for it, but of course it is not for me to tell you how to deal with the info, I just wanted to make damn sure my fellow countrymen know the score.

As for Bollock 79. you have watched far too many gangster rap movies and you are as the programme wants you to be, an idiot and a none entity, grow up you little tool. Of course Intel do place idiots on the forums to prevent anyone from hearing this information, and this nob certainly fits the bill, so keep this in mind.

Life 11-10-2009 11:59

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

This was my first post :

Hi All.

Speaking of the NHS, are you all aware of the fact the WHO has declared forced vaccinations beginning September 28 running through till Jan 2010.

Understand the reality of this deadly agenda here :

Swine Flu Conference In UK »

Spread the word if you have not already received a leaflet from lifeinthemix

I want to help my fellow country men because we are under attack, and they mean business, ask the Germans!

jaysay 11-10-2009 12:02

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752500)
Hi All.

This was my first post :

Hi All.

Speaking of the NHS, are you all aware of the fact the WHO has declared forced vaccinations beginning September 28 running through till Jan 2010.

Understand the reality of this deadly agenda here :

Swine Flu Conference In UK »

Spread the word if you have not already received a leaflet from lifeinthemix

I want to help my fellow country men because we are under attack, and they mean business, ask the Germans!

Give it a rest Dick Head or should that be Richard Margaret

Life 11-10-2009 12:04

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

I see you are one angry man jay, do you blame the rest of us for your troubles?

BERNADETTE 11-10-2009 12:09

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Just one point that needs rectifying here NOBODY has or is being forced to have any vaccinations so therefore your first post could be construed as fearmongering. I doubt you can ever see that you could possibly be out of order here Life but some of the stuff you have posted is way over the top IMHO.

Less 11-10-2009 12:13

Re: You couldn't make it up

Originally Posted by Life (Post 741150)

As for the fat boy and his response, get out more son, you look awful!
stop eating all the pies, and learn to use your computer to search the information, I have made it very easy....

The above is your second post, unbelievable isn't it that such an acclaimed expert as you should have resorted so soon to mindless sniping has you did?

Mind you, you haven't improved either in useful comment from there until what I sincerely hope has been your final comment, if it isn't then can I ask why you don't spread your wisdom into other posts then you could really ruin the site for other members?

Life 11-10-2009 12:14

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

I think you miss the point..They were indeed pushing forced vaccinations, I and many others around the world have demolished the ease at which they can go for this.

They will come back to it especially if they are to release a bad one within the vaccination which will spread it like wildfire especially in the schools.

Well I have apologised for raising anger levels, I stand by all the information I have presented, it is also a lot worse !

But I take your point.

jaysay 11-10-2009 12:42

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752502)
Hi All.

I see you are one angry man jay, do you blame the rest of us for your troubles?

No but I dislike ****'s like you with a vengeance, some one who has a one tack mind telling everybody that you know whats best for them, I've managed to get to 63 without your help so please **** off and annoy another site you sanctimonious prat

katex 11-10-2009 12:44

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Life: injection today ...keep us posted on how you feel if you do not mind?

Katex: Of course.

Still ok Life.

katex 11-10-2009 12:49

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752252)
I do not have any religion either but I believe in a universal conciousness of which everything is a part, we happen to manifest in the 3rd dimension - there are others, which we are due to experience soon.

I think I must be a homo sapien of little brain ... move over Pooh. The ramblings of Life are too far beyond me.
Sorry Margaret ... don't even understand a word of the above quote either .. :confused:

Life 11-10-2009 12:55

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Thats good news you are still ok.
Could I ask which make of vaccine you had, was it the tamiflu?

katex 11-10-2009 13:06

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752518)
Hi All.

Thats good news you are still ok.
Could I ask which make of vaccine you had, was it the tamiflu?

Tamiflu is not a vaccine Life .. that is just treatment to help you get over the flu if you are unlucky enough to catch it. To be honest, not convinced this is particulary necessary.

Just the standard flu vaccination they give to us pensioners (and other vulnerable people) every Autumn, which is based on past flu viruses ... the swine flu vaccine has not arrived for general distribution as yet.

Restless 11-10-2009 16:51

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I have never had the flu jab. It often seemed to me like a good idea since i am prone to catching colds and flu. The ironic thing i find when life says our fear controlls us towards having a jab. Not for me since i suffer from Belonephobia :D

garinda 11-10-2009 18:13

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 752396)
That is why I tried to warn him not to force feed us, by going 'over the top'
He is trying to warn us of dangers he sincerely believes are a threat.

...just as zealous religious types do on here occasionally, but without quite so many insults. Even though they fervently believe they too are right, and are doing us a favour by trying to save us.

I remember those type of salvationists getting short shift from quite a few members.


garinda 11-10-2009 18:18

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752497)
Hi All.

I think any attack on Margarete and then link it to I as if the lady is protecting, is rather pitiful. Margaret knows her stuff and has removed herself out of the emotion rat race, something you all need to learn.

Jay. It is sad that you are in the position you are, but I did not do it, nor did I begin with aggressive speak on did in response to my first post.

I hold no beef with you it is you with I.

I cannot do anything for you Jay in your position, but I can help others to at least begin to see what we have all been told as fact relating to the medical game certainly is not the case at all.

I have been involved in exposing the truth over the propaganda for a long time, I am well aware most at first, respond with anger, then violent anger and then the penny drops, that has always been the way as new ideas and information reach the surface. I have found that to respond in kind across the spectrum allows me to push the info quicker....this time now with this vaccination agenda requires a quick method of release so people can absorb enough to make a balanced decision when or if the time arrives where they push to force the vaccinations.

On that basis I hereby apologise for raising anger levels, but ask you at least understand it is strategy and not my personality. I would not do this if I was about my wellbeing, believe me.

So you have a grasp on the alternative information available not just about the flu vaccine, but vaccines and medication as a whole. Surely you are better for it, but of course it is not for me to tell you how to deal with the info, I just wanted to make damn sure my fellow countrymen know the score.

As for Bollock 79. you have watched far too many gangster rap movies and you are as the programme wants you to be, an idiot and a none entity, grow up you little tool. Of course Intel do place idiots on the forums to prevent anyone from hearing this information, and this nob certainly fits the bill, so keep this in mind.

You might want to go back to Prophet School.

Your message doesn't seem to be getting across very well so far.


garinda 11-10-2009 18:31

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Grandiose Type: delusion of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a famous person (e.g. see Jerusalem syndromeJerusalem syndrome

Messiah complex is a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world....

Delusional disorder: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article

katex 11-10-2009 23:07

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Restless (Post 752561)
I have never had the flu jab. It often seemed to me like a good idea since i am prone to catching colds and flu.

Good news indeed Restless .. according to Life's downlook on Life .. the more the merrier .. that way you will be helping your body build up a wholesale immunity to combat all diseases .. that is if the ones you get don't see you off first.

Sorry, no vaccines for colds is the bad news ... 1,000's of those little devils .. that would keep the pharmaceutical companies busy for years ... identifying all those. Anyways ... nobody dies of a cold, so low priority.

As to the radiation on smoke alarms ...been doing a little googling of my own, and all continents are in agreement as per this Australian site:-

ARPANSA - Radioactivity in Domestic Smoke Alarms

For those who do not wish to spend time in this link .. the information is that the radiation level is extremely low .. so low that it cannot even penetrate the dead cells on our body, and if anyone wishes to swallow the small capsule that the radiation is contained in, then would pass through the body without harm. Re-cycling no problem either.

Felt it only fair to post the one link that disputes this :-

Smoke Detectors

Did note there was an alterntive smoke alarm Life which works on some sort of optical basis ... perhaps you could install these to keep your family safe.:)

Life 12-10-2009 08:18

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Good grief I am surrounded with idiots!

I wonder who claims the radiation is unharmful??? Could it be the manufacturer?

Mmm like they will tell you it is dangerous to use them in the home... best to write and ask how many they have in their homes...

Less 12-10-2009 10:09

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752757)
Hi All.

Good grief I am surrounded with idiots!

Did you mean,

"Good grief I am surrounded by idiots?


"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
You may believe yourself to be some sort of half-baked wise man, the rest of us just think your an insulting, ill informed, 'make it up as I go along', ignoramus!

Life 12-10-2009 10:42

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

Really Katex, you try to pull the wool over peoples eyes by suggesting you have had the swine flu jab, when all along you have had the normal flu jab, talk about deception!

Yes the majority who throw attacks seem to post in this thread, do you think I am doing this for you?

You are the numties to which all sites have, it is those who look and say nothing to whom I speak, for they most probably still have their faculties and need comment not.

You prove my point exactly...that to waste time answering the frail of mind is exactly that a waste of time.

As for Jay, he does look awful which is not surprising given the amount of steroids he has willingly ingested, Steroids make you fat...Jay is fat.
It would seem pointing out reality to you nutters is way beyond your wit.

Just do not forget to recycle for the council which is destroying the town, it is called the Stockholm Syndrome, and you have it, and no Stockholm is not in the US, so do your search under Europe.

Britain under the thumb and loving it :

£1,000 Fine For Putting Any Food Scraps In The Dustbin As ‘Zero Waste’ Policy Could Lead Up To Five-Bin Headache »


MargaretR 12-10-2009 11:04

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Life - you have gone too far - even I have lost patience with you.
Your methods are totally impeding your objective here.
Please withdraw before you are banned.

katex 12-10-2009 11:25

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752795)
Hi All.

Really Katex, you try to pull the wool over peoples eyes by suggesting you have had the swine flu jab, when all along you have had the normal flu jab, talk about deception!


I did no such thing Life ... just said I had had my flu jab .... anyone interested would have followed the production of the swine flu jab and know that it hasn't landed at our doctor's surgeries as yet. Think you presumed incorrectly was for swine flu. Anyway, you don't believe in any type of vaccination so would have been irrelevant.

garinda 12-10-2009 12:18

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 752795)

You are the numties to which all sites have, it is those who look and say nothing to whom I speak, for they most probably still have their faculties and need comment not.

All non-numpties please do comment.

Or is it impossible to type whilst wearing a strait jacket?


garinda 12-10-2009 12:20

Re: Forced Vaccinations
He's not the Messiah.

He's a very naughty boy....who has the Messiah complex.

garinda 12-10-2009 12:32

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 752811)
All non-numpties please do comment.

Or is it impossible to type whilst wearing a strait jacket?


Although you'd have thought all the silent non-numpties would show their appreciation of all your good work by awarding you some positive karma.

There's more red than on Stanley's washing line after a home match.

Retlaw 12-10-2009 15:00

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 752617)
Grandiose Type: delusion of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a famous person (e.g. see Jerusalem syndromeJerusalem syndrome

Messiah complex is a state in which the individual believes themselves to be, or destined to become, the saviour of the particular field, a group, an event, a time period, or in an extreme scenario, the world....

Delusional disorder: Facts, Discussion Forum, and Encyclopedia Article

Hi Garry.
I think the best way to deal with that cupid stunt, with the messiah complex, who calls himself Life, is to ignore him, If no one responds to his posts, he wil probably disappear.
Like Jasay, I too would rearrange his teeth, his next meal would be through a staw in a hospital bed.


shillelagh 12-10-2009 15:13

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Posted via Mobile Devicewell all i can say from my sickbed as still got the chest infection and yesterday had another one ... That until someone comes up with a cure for epilepsy i'll carry on taking my tablets. By the way agree with whoever called him a numptie ..

jaysay 12-10-2009 15:52

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I've reconsidered my thoughts on Life, in fact I'm going to make an concerted effort to find out his true identity and where this excuse for a human being lives, so I can have a meaningful discussion with him Man to Prat, just one thing though if he believes in god he'd better pray I fail in my attempts;)

***Mr D*** 12-10-2009 16:52

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Coppice (Post 751383)
you arrogant idiot. The reason I suggest such is before you sling around insults to users you should protect your personal info. I WHOIS'd your website and all info is there to see. You're home address, Telephone number, email address and you're Plastering 'name' AKA tek plastering!


Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 752897)
I've reconsidered my thoughts on Life, in fact I'm going to make an concerted effort to find out his true identity and where this excuse for a human being lives, so I can have a meaningful discussion with him Man to Prat, just one thing though if he believes in god he'd better pray I fail in my attempts;)

Easy Infact just 1 min and you have all the infomation you need. He isnt hiding, the clue is in the first quote.

Insulting is not a way to give information IMO, but to threaten, IMO stoops to there level.

I have never seen somebody with so much red. I would love to see some of the Karma comments left. (Go on life put a screen shot up).:D:D

As is known I am intersted in all the conspiracy stuff, I feel life is in his own way trying to fight for a cause he believes in, he might just not have great communication skills.:rolleyes:

After all "life is just a ride". (Bill Hicks) - :cool:

BERNADETTE 12-10-2009 18:45

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Mr D I feel life is in his own way trying to fight for a cause he believes in, he might just not have great communication skills.
That is an understatement if ever there was one!!!!

jaysay 13-10-2009 03:31

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** (Post 752910)
Easy Infact just 1 min and you have all the information you need. He isnt hiding, the clue is in the first quote.

Insulting is not a way to give information IMO, but to threaten, IMO stoops to there level.

I have never seen somebody with so much red. I would love to see some of the Karma comments left. (Go on life put a screen shot up).:D:D

As is known I am interested in all the conspiracy stuff, I feel life is in his own way trying to fight for a cause he believes in, he might just not have great communication skills.:rolleyes:

After all "life is just a ride". (Bill Hicks) - :cool:

Your quite right Mr D he's probably only a young man, but he will get slaid on here and burn in the fires of hell, if he keeps calling peoples appearance especially if he doesn't now them and their circumstances, its all well and good calling their ideals and principals, maybe he will just go away

Less 13-10-2009 06:08

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 753045)
Your quite right Mr D he's probably only a young man, but he will get slaid on here and burn in the fires of hell, if he keeps calling peoples appearance especially if he doesn't now them and their circumstances, its all well and good calling their ideals and principals, maybe he will just go away

If you consider 42 to be 'young', however I think he is old enough, (and probably ugly enough), to take responsibility for both his actions and derisive comments about other members, (who does he think he is? Trying to do me out of my job!).

jaysay 13-10-2009 09:43

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Less (Post 753054)
If you consider 42 to be 'young', however I think he is old enough, (and probably ugly enough), to take responsibility for both his actions and derisive comments about other members, (who does he think he is? Trying to do me out of my job!).

Sorry Less, nobody should be allowed to take your job:D

katex 13-10-2009 11:08

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 753100)
Sorry Less, nobody should be allowed to take your job:D

Would take him years to come up to Less's standard Jaysay ... :D

Mick 14-10-2009 04:37

Re: Forced Vaccinations
I sent an e-mail to the fire service for some details for smoke alarms for "life" to have a read at
this is the response.

As the local Station Manager for both Hyndburn and Great Harwood Fire Stations, I forward the following in response:

"Smoke alarms save lives and that's a fact, so I feel it's essential to contradict "LIFE" to make sure that people aren't put off having smoke detectors in their home ..." (Followed by)

the radioactive source in an ionising smoke detector is sealed and would not give off dangerous levels of radiation even if it wasn't
about 500 such detectors in a home might just register a blip on a geiger counter
'background' radiation in our environment from natural sources is greater and neither is that dangerous
LFRS has been fitting optical (non-ionising type) smoke detectors on Home Fire Safety Check Visits for some time now, simply because they detect smaller amounts of smoke than ionising types of alarms can so react more quickly to smouldering fires
... or put another way:-

with a smoke detector you're not at risk of injury from radiation
without a smoke detector, you're destroying any chance of the early warning you need to escape from a fire in your home

Thanks Gary

Gary Monk
Service Delivery Manager
Hyndburn Community Fire Station
Hyndburn Road

jaysay 14-10-2009 09:10

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by mick (Post 753320)
I sent an e-mail to the fire service for some details for smoke alarms for "life" to have a read at
this is the response.

As the local Station Manager for both Hyndburn and Great Harwood Fire Stations, I forward the following in response:

"Smoke alarms save lives and that's a fact, so I feel it's essential to contradict "LIFE" to make sure that people aren't put off having smoke detectors in their home ..." (Followed by)

the radioactive source in an ionising smoke detector is sealed and would not give off dangerous levels of radiation even if it wasn't
about 500 such detectors in a home might just register a blip on a geiger counter
'background' radiation in our environment from natural sources is greater and neither is that dangerous
LFRS has been fitting optical (non-ionising type) smoke detectors on Home Fire Safety Check Visits for some time now, simply because they detect smaller amounts of smoke than ionising types of alarms can so react more quickly to smouldering fires
... or put another way:-

with a smoke detector you're not at risk of injury from radiation
without a smoke detector, you're destroying any chance of the early warning you need to escape from a fire in your home

Thanks Gary

Gary Monk
Service Delivery Manager
Hyndburn Community Fire Station
Hyndburn Road

Now there are some facts that are worth listening to mick, instead of the mumbo jumbo we've been getting from "Get a Life"

MargaretR 14-10-2009 09:27

Re: Forced Vaccinations
He hasn't posted since I asked him to stop.
I never swore at him
I never insulted him
When I disagreed with him I said so without scorn and abuse.
There is some truth in the concept that -
what you give out you receive back

garinda 14-10-2009 10:42

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 753365)
He hasn't posted since I asked him to stop.
I never swore at him
I never insulted him
When I disagreed with him I said so without scorn and abuse.
There is some truth in the concept that -
what you give out you receive back

You have the power.

We must be careful not to cross you.

Unless he's simply not posted, because he has that nasty flu that's doing the rounds.


Less 14-10-2009 10:49

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 753365)
He hasn't posted since I asked him to stop.
I never swore at him
I never insulted him
When I disagreed with him I said so without scorn and abuse.
There is some truth in the concept that -
what you give out you receive back

So now you think you've stopped him posting, I admire your self importance which is big enough to think you've stopped him.

Like all the other loony tunes he will be back and he will continue to come back until he is banned.

Just watch this space.

Note to self get in touch with your Russian contact's and buy some polonium, at least then he could radiate some kind of karisma.

jaysay 14-10-2009 10:55

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by garinda (Post 753408)
You have the power.

We must be careful not to cross you.

Unless he's simply not posted, because he has that nasty flu that's doing the rounds.


He should have had the flu jab Rindi :D

MargaretR 14-10-2009 11:06

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Less (Post 753414)
So now you think you've stopped him posting, I admire your self importance which is big enough to think you've stopped him.

I made an observation that he hasn't posted.
No-one can encroach on the free will of another.
He will do whatever he thinks is appropriate

Less 14-10-2009 11:23

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 753418)
He will do whatever he thinks is appropriate

Which will be to continue posting unsubstantiated drivel and insulting anyone that he considers is against him, don't worry Margaret, now that you have shown impatience with him he'll be targeting you as well, he's that sort of 'person'.

MargaretR 14-10-2009 11:30

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Less (Post 753423)
he's that sort of 'person'.

I don't typecast people nowadays.

I have learned to 'expect the unexpected'

PS just noticed that he is preparing a response as I write :D

Life 14-10-2009 11:51

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Hi All.

First, good for you in acting to find out what information the fire service operates under.

Smoke alarms do indeed give off radiation, as given by the Fire Service.

One has to then look at the cumulative radiation emission and thus exposure, from different products we have been encouraged to have in our home and on our person.

Mobile Phone
Mercury Filled Light Bulbs
Hand Held Portable Land Line phones
Computer Screens
Florescent Light Bulbs

Then look at the radiation levels constantly in the home to which all the family are exposed too.
Also I did not say the fire service knew the fact smoke alarms are dangerous and willingly promoted them, I said they are unaware of the fact what they promote is dangerous. If the manufacturer had not presented information to the contrary then they would not do so, what the fire service have supplied is what the manufacturer has supplied.

Also we are now forced to use only mercury filled light bulbs given the ban on import came into effect a few weeks ago, an EU directive to boot.

The elite are operating a technology based on Nicoli Tesla science, it is technology based on the manipulation of sound itself, or 'Sonics'. The geometric key to this technology is named, wait for it...'666.

Therefore 666 is not some chap with a tatoo on his head, it is a real tangible monster, if used in the negative, it is the technology based on the manipulation of sound itself, and underlying the need they have for the data base on which we all exist, it is the biometric data base and the DNA data base.

The reason for creating homes with products radiating radioactive waves effecting people, is part of this 666 Grid technology, basically what the elite scientists have done is to weaponise our homes, because all this Tesla technology has been utilised in a Military capacity, hence the reason the Biblical text speaks of the beast and its mark. The beast is the supercomputer mainframe, the human microchip is the mark of the beast to which all man will be connected. The chip will have the means of DNA manipulation and thus control for those who control the 666 Grid.

The microwave technology under the 666 Grid gives the means to affect humans on an individual level. So to have more appliances in the home creating a cumulative radioactive emission of rays, is affecting the DNA

DNA Science involves light technology, therefore we are undergoing a massive experiment in DNA and light technology, we cannot rule out this as possible cause for the massive rise in cancers over the last 20 years, hand in hand with our acceptance of more and more microwave emitting gizmos to our homes.

Now for some hot off the press information I have yet to pull together...what I am beginning to understand presently is the fact that within many of the chemtrails being strewn overhead, especially so since August this year, including night spraying, what is being brought into the open is the fact many chemicals we are ingesting in our normal day to day activities, will lie dormant until they are activated by a certain chemistry....

The means of activation are the coming vaccinations.

Less 14-10-2009 11:58

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by MargaretR (Post 753426)

PS just noticed that he is preparing a response as I write :D

so your being polite etc. didn't last did it, notice, even when faced with another persons enquiry because it is against his belief about fire alarms it isn't to be accepted, what a waste of our server he really is.

As I said,

Which will be to continue posting unsubstantiated drivel

Less 14-10-2009 13:11

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 753432)
Hi All.

Now for some hot off the press information I have yet to pull together...

That's not news we've been telling you to pull yourself together since your first post!


***Mr D*** 14-10-2009 13:21

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Who Knows what things could harm us in the future.

Insurance Companies have to plan for this and set premiums to cover risks that may emerge in future years and are as yet not fully understood.

Example of some potential Risks.

Nanotechnology, Electromagnetic Fields, GM foods, Synthetic Biology, Cloning.

Bit like the Asbestos from the 50/60s that have come to light at a future date.

As for Chemtrails, We have discussed that already.:D

katex 14-10-2009 16:02

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by Life (Post 753432)
The means of activation are the coming vaccinations.

Well, according to the nurse at my doctors, the swine flu vaccine is due into them next week won't be long before we find out.

They are only encouraging people with health problems to have it though ... you know, asthma, diabetes, heart and lung problems, etc. Still these will be the weakest ... so best to get rid of them first eh ?

jaysay 14-10-2009 16:03

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Will a mod close this thread and shut this prat up please

andrewb 14-10-2009 16:24

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Life can we stop this outburst of global conspiracy theories on AccringtonWeb please? I'm sure there are people around the world who would love to listen to your stories, and I'm sure you know exactly where to find them. When you try insinuating that vaccinations are merely a a method of controlling people at some point in the future; you risk debating on the extreme fringes of reality. You're not going to win anybody over here . If for some reason members are inclined to fill their minds with these stories, then they'll find them on Google. You can find enough conspiracy theories to keep you busy until after the inoculation period if you look hard enough.

Restless 14-10-2009 16:44

Re: Forced Vaccinations
well thats me ****ed then :D since i spend around 36.5 hours a week with headphones in :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Life (Post 753432)



***Mr D*** 14-10-2009 17:05

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by jaysay (Post 753510)
Will a mod close this thread and shut this prat up please

I dont think it should be closed. After all its in anything goes.


Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 753514)
Life can we stop this outburst of global conspiracy theories on AccringtonWeb please? I'm sure there are people around the world who would love to listen to your stories, and I'm sure you know exactly where to find them. When you try insinuating that vaccinations are merely a a method of controlling people at some point in the future; you risk debating on the extreme fringes of reality. You're not going to win anybody over here . If for some reason members are inclined to fill their minds with these stories, then they'll find them on Google. You can find enough conspiracy theories to keep you busy until after the inoculation period if you look hard enough.

Is this freedom of speech being taken away on Accy Web?

Outburst? just one thred.

Same can be said IMO about all the policical threds on here and look how many of them are in general chat.:rolleyes:

andrewb 14-10-2009 17:37

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by ***Mr D*** (Post 753524)
Is this freedom of speech being taken away on Accy Web?

No. Accringtonweb never was a free speech zone. This place isn't a platform for anybody to come and spout conspiracy theories all day and night under the guise of free speech. Life is perfectly entitled to continue writing these stories and insults on his website. Anybody can go ahead and read it there and nobody will be able to deny him of 'free speech'.

***Mr D*** 14-10-2009 19:09

Re: Forced Vaccinations

Originally Posted by andrewb (Post 753533)
No. Accringtonweb never was a free speech zone. This place isn't a platform for anybody to come and spout conspiracy theories all day and night under the guise of free speech. Life is perfectly entitled to continue writing these stories and insults on his website. Anybody can go ahead and read it there and nobody will be able to deny him of 'free speech'.

Life has made one Thred.

So if Accy Web is not a free speech platform (Of corse within reason) what are the rules about what can and cannot be posted?

andrewb 14-10-2009 20:47

Re: Forced Vaccinations
Mods have better things to do than write down a list of what topics you can and cannot make threads on. Life continues to use this thread as a platform to air his fringe views and hurl insult at the non-belivers. It wouldn't be acceptable if every member of the forum used their own individual thread which they kept bumping with nonsense - it would make Accringtonweb completely unreadable. Having reasoned debate is one thing, posting reams and reams of conspiracy theory is another thing altogether.

We must of course remember that Life hasn't been a contributing member of the forum and suddenly found something interesting on the internet that he wishes to show us. He has come to Accringtonweb in order to show us his theories or rather ram them down our throats.

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