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Springhill Spot A forum running in conjunction with Springhill Spotlight. Give your opinions on what is happening in your area. Air your views and grievances. Put forward ideas on how we can improve Springhill

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Old 13-08-2003, 21:20   #1

Post Phoenix Project

Anyone any news of this Phoenix Project. The one were they are going to demolish Rutland st and the bottom end of londsdale st. Its all well and good doing all these houses up, but if u put the same kind of people in the houses they are just going to wreck them again, this day and age I cannt belive how many people have NO self pride for their homes and familys. Landlords need to clamp down on peole too, in Bolton you can get a £50 fine on the spot if your garden in a real mess. Some of the houses om Lonsdale st are just ****e,,,, no other word comes to mind !!!! If you cannt clean your house well then SOD OFF !!! People round here dont want to loose money on their houses cause of ur attitude towards ur LACK of lifestyles CLEAN UP OR SHIP OUT !!!!
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Old 13-08-2003, 21:47   #2
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

If anybody is offended by the previous message - if the cap fits..............

The area isn't strictly Springhill after the bridge, but what you say applies anywhere.

I wish I new when the project was starting, seems to have been going on for ages doesn't it?

Some people connect low income with undesirable properties, but this is a very biased attitude. Lack of income doesn't mean lack of pride! And homeowners in certain instances can be as guilty of this lack  as tenants.

Regarding landlords, it seems to be mainly the small private concerns who are guilty of lack of neighbourhood concern, as long as they are getting their rent regularly! though there are a couple of major ones who leave a lot to be desired. Again - if the cap fits.........

Also,quite personally, I hate having to walk up there at night, but have no other option. the bridge in particular needs permanent lighting. Plus the pigeon muck there is disgusting.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
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Old 14-08-2003, 09:25   #3
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

Not sure, but I think SPACE have bought up some of the properties that are remaining in the Phoenix Project, and they are pretty quick to deal with neighbour nuisance and people who don't look after their properties.

Also the Springhill Network Group has been in  communication with a few reputable landlords (this includes Magenta & Atlas) who have properties in the Springhill area, and they are now vetting their prospective tenants more carefully, using information from the group during this process. A few people have been turned down recently due to this idea.

It's similar to what the council are now doing.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 15-08-2003, 21:39   #4
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

Anyone any news of this Phoenix Project.
According to the Telegraph, demolition work should start at Christmas. the first phase being even numbers on Lonsdale St, and odd numbers on Pearl St. Work on the first phase of housebuilding should start in July.

And apparently, according to the Accrington Observer as well as new housing and a health centre, a 1,500 sq ft office block is planned.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 08:04   #5
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

That is what Accy needs.More people who stand up and say something.More houses and more jobs.LIke any community.50 pound fines sound good.clean up or pay for it.
BigMikDick from krautland
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Old 07-09-2003, 12:11   #6
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

Standing up and saying things is one thing. don't actually agree with the way the first post was made). Saying them in the correct manner is better. Actually getting up and doing something is better still! Luckily we now seem to have a few more of these people in Springhill.

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 13:40   #7
Resting in Peace

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Post Re: Phoenix Project

Anne and me used to live in rutland street no 2 very eventfull street it was too
started with a BIG fight at the top of rutland st papers could it the street of terror
then me and a friend found a new born baby there it was called alice in the paper
then i was shot as i went to the shop .
great street rutland street ;D ;D
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Old 07-09-2003, 14:15   #8
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

Blimey mick!
which bit did they use for target practice?
Did anyone get done?  :-X
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 07-09-2003, 14:24   #9
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Post Re: Phoenix Project

They shot him in the thigh. Don't think they caught who ever did it.    
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Old 22-01-2004, 12:06   #10

I wrote to the MP's asking about the Phoenix project heres the repliy :Thanks for your enquiry, I have been asked to reply to you about the current

Exchange Street is in Hyndburn's Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder area. For
more details on the Market Renewal Pathfinder initiative please see the Office
of the Deputy Prime Minister's website . The name of the
Pathfinder is Elevate East Lancashire and covers five district councils,
unfortunately the Council's webpages on Market Renewal are currently being put
together and won't be available until March.

As part of the Market Renewal Pathfinder the residents of Springhill area will
be invited to attend a Community Workshop to discuss the areas strength and
weaknesses and help draw-up an action plan using the Pathfinder's funding. The
proposed date for the workshop is 4 to 8 p.m. 18th February, at Springhill
Primary School, Exchange Street.

Exchange Street is in Springhill and is not in any current Council initiative
for intervention. Charter Street is in the Scaitcliffe area that has been part
of an improvement programme for some time, the bulk of the improvement being
carried out in the Higher Antley Street district. It is not the intention of the
Council to extend Project Phoenix into Springhill or Charter St. but it already
affects Lonsdale Street to the North of the railway and the whole of Rutland St.

Project Phoenix is the name for a clearance area that will see the demolition of
the houses between Rutland Street and Newark St.
and between the railway down to Blackburn Road. The cleared site is to be used
for a new medical centre that will serve the district and some additional new
housing (for the elderly for example).

As to taking action against home owners who choose to damage their own homes the
Council can do little other than ensure there is no danger to the public. If a
tenant damages a rented property that is for the landlord to resolve, again the
Council has few powers to take enforcement action. A proposal in the Housing
Bill that might become law this year will empower Councils to licence landlords
in certain areas, not all, currently Hyndburn is developing such a scheme. If a
person is acting anti-socially, behaviour orders can be served on individuals to
force them to modify their behaviour as well as sanctions to curtail excessive
noise etc.

I hope this answers your questions please get back if you require any more

Michael Farnworth
Senior Urban Renewal Officer,
20 Cannon Street,
01254 380167
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Old 22-01-2004, 14:29   #11
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Pheew...Sounds like maybe something will be done....but all in the terms of maybe, in the future, will see it being done etc., etc.,

What will actually happen remains to be seen.

The real problems are "People", those that care and those that don't care.

Instead of clearance schemes there should be improvement schemes where the old stone terrace houses are ripped apart inside, maybe 2 joined into becoming one, and the roofs replaced and everything fully insulated. There's nothing wrong with the old stone terraced houses at least they have decent foundations.

As for area improvement, maybe they could demolish a few houses on each street, and put decent garages and play areas there. Parking is one of the worst problems today, and real planning for it is a must.

I'm sure many mean well, but once again I'm afraid that the money will be frittered away on Bureaucracy, studies, and committees that cost a fortune, and nothing (apart from demolition) will be achieved.

Good Luck to the residents of Spring Hill and those who will live between the railway and Blackbutn Road.
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Old 23-01-2004, 08:42   #12
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So basically we are no wiser then about Project Phoenix. We haven't been given any information there that we haven't already been told.

Commencement already seems to be behind schedule, but that's not unusual.

SPACE have already been doing up a lot of terraced houses in the Woodnook area from what I can gather. What the long term effects of this project will be remains to be seen.
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 08-03-2004, 15:20   #13
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Re: Phoenix Project

wot about the pathfinder project?, did you happen to go cazzer/ the basic sheme is to build new houses with a green infront of them, they want to introduce more green into the area, i said, why did they build the new school & take the green away? they said that the old s/hill school was too expensive to run// well? wot do you all think ?
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
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Old 09-03-2004, 14:23   #14

New Web Site

Just got a great wesite all about the housing Market Renewal in Hyndburn. And i must say i like to look of the New Green Park areas of Accrington, Its

Go have a look !!!!!!
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Old 09-03-2004, 15:15   #15
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Re: Phoenix Project

mmm most interesting / wonder how long its taken them to come up with all that///
Ilove accy, thats why i moved back but now im up ossy
'The views expressed here are my own and are not necessarily those of the site'
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