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Old 27-02-2010, 15:38   #61
God Member
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
I best quote it so you wont abuse her if she replies to you
The term 'useless eaters' was first used when the Kissinger Report was produced in 1974
It is now declassified and available here-
NSSM 200 Kissinger Genocide Report 1974
It is an agenda for planet depopulation.

Since then, the phrase 'useless eater' has become comon in popular culture to denote a consumer who contibutes nothing.
I did say '(their phrase not mine)' -please pay attention.

Just google 'useless eaters' for 111,000 places where you can become 'enlightened'

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Accrington Web
Old 27-02-2010, 15:56   #62
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

The smoking ban contributed to the cost of fuel now being £1.10 per litre, and when they ban supermarkets from selling cheap booze that will not improve the population of the drinking establishments, it will though, further harm the revenue the government brings in from alcohol, so dont be surprised to see £1.20 at the petrol pumps very soon, meanwhile, the banks will continue to be propped up by the taxpayer, the privatised industries will continue to rob you blind, and the only winners will be, as usual, the fatcats and politicians.
If time travel were possible, wouldn't somebody have been back or forward and told us by now?
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Old 27-02-2010, 16:05   #63
God Member

Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
The smoking ban contributed to the cost of fuel now being £1.10 per litre, and when they ban supermarkets from selling cheap booze that will not improve the population of the drinking establishments, it will though, further harm the revenue the government brings in from alcohol, so dont be surprised to see £1.20 at the petrol pumps very soon, meanwhile, the banks will continue to be propped up by the taxpayer, the privatised industries will continue to rob you blind, and the only winners will be, as usual, the fatcats and politicians.
i wonder whats after fuel though because they have already started teh process of deeming anyone who has a car to be utter scum just like they did with people who smoke then now people who drink

just before they started planning the increasing of booze prices they released statistics on how booze is to blame for everything that is wrong in society from domestic violence to vandalism and a whole load of other crimes inbetween

when the wanted to bring in the smoking ban they bleeted on about how much the smokers were costing the NHS neglecting to mention that it was tax from ciggarettes that has been the backbone of teh NHS for many many years and even got it into peoples heads that passive smoking kills despite there been no proof of it only theories

will the torys follow a different line if they get in power instead of targeting things we need or enjoy

will they hell

cars are killing the planet they say , we must be green they say but not one damn thing has been done to stop big companies poluting or using more sensible amounts of packaging on their products and we get taxed to hilt on anyting we enjoy while big corporations are not been held accountable

every time a govenment wants to tax somthing they make it out to be a danger or somthing to be ashamed of and drive a wedge between the nation making them argue amongst themselves rather than look at teh real problem which is teh govenment

no one was moaning about smoking in pubs until the govenment started stiring tehir wooden spoon and then got eveyone argueing about somthing they didnt really care about
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

Last edited by accyman; 27-02-2010 at 16:13.
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Old 28-02-2010, 08:22   #64
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The term 'useless eaters' was first used when the Kissinger Report was produced in 1974
It is now declassified and available here-
NSSM 200 Kissinger Genocide Report 1974
It is an agenda for planet depopulation.

Since then, the phrase 'useless eater' has become comon in popular culture to denote a consumer who contibutes nothing.
I did say '(their phrase not mine)' -please pay attention.

Just google 'useless eaters' for 111,000 places where you can become 'enlightened'
So, your best example is an American Document from 1974?

I noticed you said their phrase not mine, I am paying attention to how low you can get. You are the person that found it necessary to repeat it as one of your poor excuses of scaremongering.
The child mentioned in post #1 and her family do not deserve such a comparison to be applied by the likes of you under any circumstances, you are a really sick woman to have plumbed such depths and should be ashamed of yourself.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:01   #65

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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
The term 'useless eaters' was first used when the Kissinger Report was produced in 1974
It is now declassified and available here-
NSSM 200 Kissinger Genocide Report 1974
It is an agenda for planet depopulation.

Since then, the phrase 'useless eater' has become comon in popular culture to denote a consumer who contibutes nothing.
I did say '(their phrase not mine)' -please pay attention.

Just google 'useless eaters' for 111,000 places where you can become 'enlightened'
So, your best example is an American Document from 1974?

I noticed you said their phrase not mine, I am paying attention to how low you can get. You are the person that found it necessary to repeat it as one of your poor excuses of scaremongering.
The child mentioned in post #1 and her family do not deserve such a comparison to be applied by the likes of you under any circumstances, you are a really sick woman to have plumbed such depths and should be ashamed of yourself.
Margaret - Please take Less of your ignore list so I don't have to keep quoting him so you can see his reply.

It really is about time you two got a room and sorted your urges out
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:02   #66
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Ken you seem like a genuine bloke & appear to have peoples interests at heart but how can you justify the evidence of your own eyes ? You've seen the views of the folk here & I assume elsewhere ! what happens when you tell your superiors about how the masses feel ?

Will they listen to you & take your views on board ? Now I've not been involved with this forum very long, but it appears that there are a few well respected members on here who, due to their integrity & honest desire to see the right thing done, have walked away from their Political affiliations because the Parties will not take on what is being explained to them.

Now if these Party Stalwarts are getting fobbed off after all their years of allegiance, how does that provoke "Joe Bloke " to feel ? Would you also have the integrity to walk away from the deceitful & self serving Political classes too should your valid & educated points be ignored ?

As to the Candidates who most closely reflect their views, they appear to be few & far between, as most of them do not seem to be existing on the same material plane as the rest of us !
I'm a bit of a new boy myself to these forums and thanks for the compliments. I can fully understand your disillusionment and it's part of the reason I've got involved with local politics to start with.

However, what I'm saying is that you should vote simply because you have the power to influence the political setup. If, for example, you feel particularly strongly that Brussels or Strasbourg are having far too much influence in the running of Great Britain and that the government (whoever they might be at the time) are allowing it to happen but you don't feel that the opposition party will do anything about it either, then vote for UKIP or another party just to show that the main parties are not doing the job you want.

It might not be that you particularly want UKIP (purely as an example) in power and feel it is an unlikely eventuality in any case but if fringe parties gain uncomfortably large support then the main parties would be foolish to ignore the views of the people on those issues.

I am representing Labour in Rishton on May 6th and I would hope that people would vote for me because they believe I have the best interests of the village at heart rather than simply seeing a red badge. I am fortunate to have a very good support network headed by Graham Jones and I am already working with several community groups and the Rishton Labour councillor, Harry Grayson, to fix things in the town.

I personally am disenchanted with faceless councillors who only pop up for a photoshoot instead of those that listen to residents. Graham and Harry are very hands-on with the voters and do take on board what is said to them.

At a local level, it really doesn't take much of an effort to make small changes if you really want to. You don't even need to be a politician but it does require a listening ear which is where we both agree and I admit that this is where my argument stumbles if you don't know your local candidates.

Graham's philosophy is that every voter should see the candidates that they are being asked to vote for, which I firmly agree with since I don't think I would vote for someone on blind faith either.
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:51   #67
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

The Folk in UK have tried this approach, voting for someone else to make a point, hence the rise in popularity of the lesser Parties. But what has it brought ? on the evidence of it very little. The big league Parties are still dominating the situation albeit with a lesser majority & the People feel cheated & disillusioned with it all, ergo voter apathy.

The only way where it seems to partially work is in a coalition, this is very apparent here in Germany. To enable a Party to gain power ( because of a positive majority) they have to rely on power sharing with another Party, who because of their acquiescence, can & do receive considerations to their points of view, there by allowing a partial if not full blown placing of their policies.

This form of compromise works to the benefit of both sides, but their true focus should be towards the Peoples they represent. But sadly the modern day Politicians have forgotten their remit ! They have been put in a position of "TRUST" to represent their Citizens, in all aspects of Life & Welfare with the aim of good governance for the benefit of the People. A creed which many have forgotten or more to the point blatantly ignore.

We are told often enough that times are difficult & that WE the British People will have to tighten our belts, make sacrifices & endure hardship for the betterment of the Country. Well & good , people can accept this as long as they see fairness & improvement in their situation. What they are actually seeing is the injustice in the system & Politicians of all stripes helping themselves to the detriment of the Country & lesser folk.

How can it be justified for a Husband & Wife, middle aged couple (Politicians) to claim expenses for a (2nd) home in the Country with all the trimmings, plus whatever else they're creaming off running into the thousands at the expense of the public. When Mr & Mrs Blogs both pensioned off, spent all their lives working, having to rely on the pitiful pension they're given, living in a 2 up 2 down terraced house that they don't own because they had to sell it off to make ends meet, be right ?

Who is making the sacrifices here ? until this changes the British public will remain contemptuous of the Political classes & their empty words. They want the Public backing (Politicians), well show them some decency & respect, those People who put them there.

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 28-02-2010 at 12:53.
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Old 28-02-2010, 12:56   #68
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Ken Moss View Post
I'm a bit of a new boy myself to these forums and thanks for the compliments. I can fully understand your disillusionment and it's part of the reason I've got involved with local politics to start with.

However, what I'm saying is that you should vote simply because you have the power to influence the political setup. If, for example, you feel particularly strongly that Brussels or Strasbourg are having far too much influence in the running of Great Britain and that the government (whoever they might be at the time) are allowing it to happen but you don't feel that the opposition party will do anything about it either, then vote for UKIP or another party just to show that the main parties are not doing the job you want.

It might not be that you particularly want UKIP (purely as an example) in power and feel it is an unlikely eventuality in any case but if fringe parties gain uncomfortably large support then the main parties would be foolish to ignore the views of the people on those issues.

I am representing Labour in Rishton on May 6th and I would hope that people would vote for me because they believe I have the best interests of the village at heart rather than simply seeing a red badge. I am fortunate to have a very good support network headed by Graham Jones and I am already working with several community groups and the Rishton Labour councillor, Harry Grayson, to fix things in the town.

I personally am disenchanted with faceless councillors who only pop up for a photo shoot instead of those that listen to residents. Graham and Harry are very hands-on with the voters and do take on board what is said to them.

At a local level, it really doesn't take much of an effort to make small changes if you really want to. You don't even need to be a politician but it does require a listening ear which is where we both agree and I admit that this is where my argument stumbles if you don't know your local candidates.

Graham's philosophy is that every voter should see the candidates that they are being asked to vote for, which I firmly agree with since I don't think I would vote for someone on blind faith either.
Blind faith, I always thought that was the first article in the Labour Party constitution
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Old 28-02-2010, 13:03   #69
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Blind faith, I always thought that was the first article in the Labour Party constitution
There are many from all parties that are that mis-guided.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 28-02-2010, 13:15   #70
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
There are many from all parties that are that mis-guided.
this one ain't
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Old 28-02-2010, 13:20   #71
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
this one ain't
Due to circumstances we've seen your faith take a knock so does that just leave blind?
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Old 28-02-2010, 16:20   #72
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Due to circumstances we've seen your faith take a knock so does that just leave blind?
still have the same values Less, unlike Labour supporters who burnt theirs on the altar of electability, when they endorsed New Labour
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Old 28-02-2010, 16:33   #73
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
still have the same values Less, unlike Labour supporters who burnt theirs on the altar of electability, when they endorsed New Labour
...closely followed by those who heartily embraced the new look Tory-Lite party, when they realised, because all the political pundits told them, that unless they ditched all their old principles, they'd be unelectable for the foreseeable future.

(I do have access to a hoodie, if you feel the need to hug me, for pointing this out.)
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 28-02-2010, 16:45   #74
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
...closely followed by those who heartily embraced the new look Tory-Lite party, when they realised, because all the political pundits told them, that unless they ditched all their old principles, they'd be unelectable for the foreseeable future.

(I do have access to a hoodie, if you feel the need to hug me, for pointing this out.)
Labour abandoned Socialism, The Tories still hold their capitalist ethos end of story, or none story in this case
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Old 28-02-2010, 17:00   #75
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Re: Pub landlord jailed for allowing smoking.

Originally Posted by Barrie Yates View Post
I would like to hear what the prospective parliamentarians for Hyndburn, from all parties, have to say on this particular subject!
Maybe my glasses need changing but I don't see any replies to me query. I don't smoke now, so no axe to grind, but do these people who want to represent Hyndburn have an opinion of thier own on the question of smoking areas in Pubs - I can honestly state that somewhere around 50% of the bars here allow smoking.
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