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harwood red 02-07-2007 19:08

Re: Its Good to Talk
OMG whats happening, I'm getting karma for saying sensible stuff...

<<<,red wanders off to find her medication>>>>

lancsdave 02-07-2007 19:12

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp (Post 443441)
Can we all get on with being nice to each other after Mel has thumped Dave? :D

Lets skip that bit and all live happily ever after :D

Margaret Pilkington 02-07-2007 19:14

Re: Its Good to Talk
You deserved it H.R. for saying what is right and what the majority of us thought anyway.

harwood red 02-07-2007 19:16

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 443458)
You deserved it H.R. for saying what is right and what the majority of us thought anyway.

thank you Mrs P :) aww shucks :o

Margaret Pilkington 02-07-2007 19:17

Re: Its Good to Talk
You are very Welcome.

WillowTheWhisp 02-07-2007 19:18

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by lancsdave (Post 443453)
Lets skip that bit and all live happily ever after :D

Can we have violins and a nice sunset too?

Gayle 02-07-2007 19:28

Re: Its Good to Talk
I know it is a bannable offence to talk about the mods and so I do apologise in advance but perhaps it's time we forced them to take a bit more action.

If a thread starts along these lines let's not discuss it, just report it to a mod and have them delete it - regardless of who started it.

I know there is the issue of free speech but all these threads are serving to do is fuel more aggro. Why is slagging someone off for being allowed to slag someone off a case of having free speech - we're just going in circles and it has to stop.

West Ender 02-07-2007 20:04

Re: Its Good to Talk
I don't usually join in threads of this nature but I'm breaking with tradition - just this once. What I have to say isn't profound and isn't clever, it's just what I do.

When a thread looks mischievous, becomes contentious, appears malicious, I don't post. It's as simple as that. I post in threads that interest me or amuse me and I'll add my two pen'orth on a subject I have knowledge of but I find arguing about another poster's provocations and going over the same ground, time and time again, pointless and boring.

It might be worth remembering the old advice regarding a potential nuisance, "Just ignore him and he'll go away". It's no fun for the perpetrator if there's no audience and no feed-back, and you don't need a moderator to do it.

I would not announce to the world that I was leaving a website either. If I stopped posting, for good, I'd either be missed or I wouldn't, it's immaterial to me. Announcing your goodbyes is the equivalent of banging the door behind you as you make a dramatic exit - and I grew out of that about 50 years ago.

OK - you are now welcome to have a pop at that West Ender woman (and who does she think she is, anyway?). ;)

lindsay ormerod 02-07-2007 20:06

Re: Its Good to Talk
Didn't say I was leaving Westender, just that I felt it was an option ! Have decided I am big and ugly enough to stay put and let it all wash over me !!!

West Ender 02-07-2007 20:15

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by lindsay ormerod (Post 443523)
Didn't say I was leaving Westender, just that I felt it was an option ! Have decided I am big and ugly enough to stay put and let it all wash over me !!!

Oh I didn't mean you, L O. There have been those, more on other sites I use, I must admit, than on here, who make a big gesture of it. You stick with it, kid, it'll all be the same in 100 years as my mother used to say (I was never quite sure what it meant but it sounds good). :)

Rosebud 02-07-2007 20:36

Re: Its Good to Talk
Having just got in from work this is the first opportunity I have had to catch up on what has been posted in this thread. There are a few things that I need to clarify given that it was my question that started this.

1. There was NO malicious or mischevious intent in asking the question. I was genuinely interested to knpw whaty peoples thoughts were on the subject. I saw reference to it in another post the day before and it got me thinking about the concept of free speech and if there were any acceptable boundaries to be applied or if, by doing so, you actually contradict that very freedom.

2. I fully accept Willows point that I misread the initial response ie- wht didn't you post a comment on the original thread- I didnt read this as a question I read it as 'having a go'. As a result I feel I probably did react in a knee jerk defensive manner.

3. What followed however was I felt, and still feel, an OTT attack. I dont think it is ever acceptable to use terms like 'idiot' or to suggest that someone is mentally ill- I dont think I misunderstood or misread these comments I think they were unacceptable.

4. I am guessing that comments like 'been here before' and the suspicion alluded to is suggesting that I have posted previously and been banned- this is not the case. I recognise that you only have my word for it but it is nonetheless the truth.

I have little history to base my experience of Accyweb on but have sympathy with the comments of previous posters. All I can say is that what happened last night felt like a shark attack- one sniff of blood and certain members were in for the kill. Try and read the posts- actually what was written not your perception of the subtext and I am sure you may well see what I mean.

There seems to be a suggestion that the web is meant for lighthearted discussion about fun topics- and if that is the case then that is absolutely fine there is clearly a place for that in the world and I can see the attraction of this type of forum. But does that have to be at the cost of challenging debate of more substantial issues after all everyone can vote with their feet by not posting of the arent interested. It is somewhat ironic that a post of about freedom of speech led to this state of affairs.

West Ender 02-07-2007 20:42

Re: Its Good to Talk
Repeating myself, Rosebud, I had no one specifically in mind, more the way the thread was developing. I thought of answering your original question but others had already said what I would have said - so I didn't. I don't believe in labouring a point.

blazey 02-07-2007 20:54

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by Less (Post 443088)
Your not rosebud are you? He/she talks very similar to you, which isn't posh but it isn't common, erm' common sense, that is. :rolleyes:

You know I'm beginning to think you feel threatened by intelligent females.

Sparkologist 02-07-2007 21:09

Re: Its Good to Talk
Some members of Accyweb have become suspicious of your posts and percieved motives, Rosebud, because you appeared on site immediately after an idiot hiding under the nom-de-plume of "Piltymon" was banned, not for the first time, I might add. Your style of posting displays the same modus operandi as him.
When you arrive on site, not giving anyone any clues with regards to who you are, and posting in a contentious manner, people will question your motives.

If you need any hints in how to fill in your profile, take a look at mine, and use it as a template. I ain't hiding from anyone... other than parole officers and bounty hunters.

WillowTheWhisp 02-07-2007 21:09

Re: Its Good to Talk

Originally Posted by Rosebud (Post 443545)

There seems to be a suggestion that the web is meant for lighthearted discussion about fun topics- and if that is the case then that is absolutely fine there is clearly a place for that in the world and I can see the attraction of this type of forum. But does that have to be at the cost of challenging debate of more substantial issues after all everyone can vote with their feet by not posting of the arent interested. It is somewhat ironic that a post of about freedom of speech led to this state of affairs.

I like a bit of light hearted fun on the forum but I also do enjoy the serious discussions and something we can get our teeth into. I agree with you that we should be able to get our teeth into them without resorting to petty name calling which is on a par with the trolls we deplore. We've had some corking discussions in the past and hopefully will have again. This is an interesting topic and I can see how the idea was sparked by something you read in another post. It's just unfortunate that we'd had an unpleasant episode shortly before this and people were still on the defensive.

Hopefully from now on common sense will prevail and we can get back to debating some interesting topics and enjoying a bit of light hearted banter alongside that.

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