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Gordon Booth 29-12-2011 14:50

Re: Hanging
They do say no one hanged for murder ever committed another one-or any other crime come to that.

cashman 29-12-2011 14:55

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958912)
Canada's a very big country, home to many different races and cultures. We don't have the death penalty. And even (notice I began this sentence with a conjunction;)) without the death penalty, our murder rate is going down. In fact, the rates for all types of crime are on the way down. Point is though, if anyone could demonstrate to me ... logically, statistically, whatever -ally, that capital pusnishment is a deterrent to murder, I would be all in favour of it. But as far as I can see, it doesn't work as a deterrent. I know folks who are in favout of it for the wrong reasons: probably the decendants of those who did their knitting by the guillotine, or who got their jollies at Tyburn. But, as a deterrent to murder, it just doesn't work. And however many jerks, assholes, losers, etc. are hanged, fried, or shot, it will never work.

Whilst it don't work as a deterrant Eric, it sure as hell keeps the costs down a bit.

Eric 29-12-2011 14:55

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by maxthecollie (Post 958874)
with DNA today and it can be proved without a shadow of doubt murderers should be killed then tax payers money would not be wasted feeding and looking after them in prison

It might be worthwhile checking out how much it costs in the US to keep a guy on death row while he goes through all the appeal processes which are his right as a US citizen. It might surprise you. And give you something to occupy yourself on a cold winter's day.;) The saving money argument works just about as well as the deterrent argument.

mobertol 29-12-2011 15:01

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958912)
Canada's a very big country, home to many different races and cultures. We don't have the death penalty. And even (notice I began this sentence with a conjunction;)) without the death penalty, our murder rate is going down. In fact, the rates for all types of crime are on the way down. Point is though, if anyone could demonstrate to me ... logically, statistically, whatever -ally, that capital pusnishment is a deterrent to murder, I would be all in favour of it. But as far as I can see, it doesn't work as a deterrent. I know folks who are in favout of it for the wrong reasons: probably the decendants of those who did their knitting by the guillotine, or who got their jollies at Tyburn. But, as a deterrent to murder, it just doesn't work. And however many jerks, assholes, losers, etc. are hanged, fried, or shot, it will never work.

And I agree fully with what you say Eric;)

A death penalty for me is impossible to defend in a civilized society.

What do you think are the particular set of circumstances in Canada that make the lowering of the crime rate a reality?

Do you think that it has something to do with the quality of life that you have over there?

Is it something to do with the style of policing?

Is there just a different mentality among the population which is successfully transmitted to the young - do you think that people have greater hope of having decent prospects and a better life?

So many of our young people are disillusioned with what the UK/ Europe can offer -the future seems pretty dismal and perhaps that is a factor affecting the crime rate here (undoubtedly it was a factor in the summer riots both in the UK and Italy).

cashman 29-12-2011 15:03

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958924)
It might be worthwhile checking out how much it costs in the US to keep a guy on death row while he goes through all the appeal processes which are his right as a US citizen. It might surprise you. And give you something to occupy yourself on a cold winter's day.;) The saving money argument works just about as well as the deterrent argument.

Don't buy that at all, talking about the U.K. not the U.S.A. we aint got a death row n the circus that goes wi it.

Eric 29-12-2011 15:19

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 958920)
They do say no one hanged for murder ever committed another one-or any other crime come to that.

Yes, true indeed. But did he commit the murder he was hanged for?

Eric 29-12-2011 15:21

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by cashman (Post 958929)
Don't buy that at all, talking about the U.K. not the U.S.A. we aint got a death row n the circus that goes wi it.

But you will have ... there are lawyers, probably a lot like your former PM's wife, who will make sure of it;)

cashman 29-12-2011 15:24

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958941)
But you will have ... there are lawyers, probably a lot like your former PM's wife, who will make sure of it;)

Assume yer meaning the circus? cos we will never have a death row! n if so agree a lot will try, don't mean fer sure sucess though.;)

Eric 29-12-2011 15:31

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 958928)
And I agree fully with what you say Eric;)

A death penalty for me is impossible to defend in a civilized society.

What do you think are the particular set of circumstances in Canada that make the lowering of the crime rate a reality?

Do you think that it has something to do with the quality of life that you have over there?

Is it something to do with the style of policing?

Is there just a different mentality among the population which is successfully transmitted to the young - do you think that people have greater hope of having decent prospects and a better life?

So many of our young people are disillusioned with what the UK/ Europe can offer -the future seems pretty dismal and perhaps that is a factor affecting the crime rate here (undoubtedly it was a factor in the summer riots both in the UK and Italy).

Maybe because, in general, we're a happy bunch of hosers over here.;)

Could be that we rank 228th in the world in terms of population density, at 3.41 per square kilometer.:D

Even with a tory government, right wing stuff like not allowing gay marriage, abortions, and capital punishment don't seem to bother most Canadians. We are a live and let live bunch. The only thing that really gets us going is hockey.

Vancouver Riot 2011 - YouTube

mobertol 29-12-2011 15:39

Re: Hanging
[quote=Eric;958946]Maybe because, in general, we're a happy bunch of hosers over here.;)

Could be that we rank 228th in the world in terms of population density, at 3.41 per square kilometer.:D

Even with a tory government, right wing stuff like not allowing gay marriage, abortions, and capital punishment don't seem to bother most Canadians. We are a live and let live bunch. The only thing that really gets us going is hockey.

Think you've hit the nail on the head there Eric, population density is an important factor affecting everything. (Think "lemmings"!)

And;) the only time you guys get mad is when there are a lot of you in a confined space - eg hockey matches:D

Gordon Booth 29-12-2011 16:46

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958939)
Yes, true indeed. But did he commit the murder he was hanged for?

Pointless discussing that once he's hanged.

Perhaps if we made hangings public again it would be more of a deterrent?

Eric 29-12-2011 17:12

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth (Post 958964)
Pointless discussing that once he's hanged.

Perhaps if we made hangings public again it would be more of a deterrent?

No it wouldn't ... would just mean that more sickos could get together and watch someone hang ... lot like a snuff movie, eh. Kinda like the hard-line islamists, who fill football stadiums with horny males getting their jollies from watching women being flogged.

George Carlin - Death Penalty - YouTube

jaysay 29-12-2011 17:19

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958912)
Canada's a very big country, home to many different races and cultures. We don't have the death penalty. And even (notice I began this sentence with a conjunction;)) without the death penalty, our murder rate is going down. In fact, the rates for all types of crime are on the way down. Point is though, if anyone could demonstrate to me ... logically, statistically, whatever -ally, that capital pusnishment is a deterrent to murder, I would be all in favour of it. But as far as I can see, it doesn't work as a deterrent. I know folks who are in favout of it for the wrong reasons: probably the decendants of those who did their knitting by the guillotine, or who got their jollies at Tyburn. But, as a deterrent to murder, it just doesn't work. And however many jerks, assholes, losers, etc. are hanged, fried, or shot, it will never work.

Well Eric deterrent or no deterrent, why should scum like Brady, Sutcliffe, Neilson (who's now dead, thank god) and Huntley, who committed such atrocious murders, be locked up and cosseted for the rest of their miserable lives, with the cost to the tax payer running into millions of pounds, oh yes the warders have to call them MR as well, because they have rights:mad::mad::mad::mad:

jaysay 29-12-2011 17:26

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by mobertol (Post 958928)
And I agree fully with what you say Eric;)

A death penalty for me is impossible to defend in a civilized society.

Well living in a civilised society, its best to put rabid dogs down, animals do not behave like some people claiming to be human beings, When your dealing with scum that act like rabid animals the only thing in my eyes is to put them down

Gordon Booth 29-12-2011 17:29

Re: Hanging

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 958974)
No it wouldn't ... would just mean that more sickos could get together and watch someone hang ... lot like a snuff movie, eh. Kinda like the hard-line islamists, who fill football stadiums with horny males getting their jollies from watching women being flogged.

Whatever turns you on!

Sorry, Eric, I was just stirring it a bit.

I wouldn't like to see the Death Penalty brought back, hopefully we've moved on from there.
BUT(conjunction) I don't believe that currently the punishment for the ultimate crime matches that crime!
Sky tv,laptops, xboxes, pool tables, 3 good meals a day, central heating, drugs, mobile phones etc., etc., And(conjunction) a life sentence that is NOT for life!
Hell, I'm on the outside and I haven't got all that!

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