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Guinness 19-11-2015 16:19

Re: Paris Shootings.

Margaret Pilkington 19-11-2015 18:41

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Eric (Post 1154972)
How can anyone take Western outrage against extreme medieval-minded Islam seriously as long as we consider Saudi Arabia an ally.:rolleyes: Oh, and at the same time condemn the Israelis for reacting to terror as we would just love to do. And, by the way, has anyone noticed that the media seems to have forgotten the recently bombed Russian airliner? Of course, the Russians aren't warm and fuzzy folks.:rolleyes: Is anyone else getting tired of the outpourings of bathetic bs from our Fearless Leaders and plastic A-list celebs?

Whatever. Good luck to the French as they hit back Vive la France ... Formez vos bataillions. Marchons, marchons.

Yes, expressing concerns is just lip service unless it is followed by some kind of decisive action. Hand wringing and sympathetic words will not defeat this evil bunch.
I think that the downing of a Russian passenger plane will be the tiurning point. As you say Eric, the Russians do not do the touchy feely stuff...and once crossed I am pretty sure the Russians will do something more than pussy foot around these barbaric pseudo religious organisations.
As for leaders...the ones we have couldn't find their own ar$e with both hands and a map.

Margaret Pilkington 19-11-2015 18:45

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Guinness (Post 1154973)

That is so scarily spot on.
And just underscores what I have been saying for a long long time.

Barrie Yates 19-11-2015 18:58

Re: Paris Shootings.
I am waiting to hear how many of the Muslim countries are willing to take in the refugees from the war torn, starving, Muslim nations - countries such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the "Stans", Iran, Indonesia. Oman, Bahrain, Egypt, Indonesia, Southern Phillipines, Pakistan, Afghanistan et al. Surely they have compassion for their fellow Muslims?
Perhaps I have missed it somewhere?

Margaret Pilkington 19-11-2015 19:32

Re: Paris Shootings.
These refugees reach a country with predominantly muslim inhabitants, but they set off across a stretch of water in overfilled boats which are barely safe in a swimming pool...and no one asks why?
They do not stay in this country with which they have much in common.
They head for France Germany, Sweden, the UK...areas with western values which they seem to despise so much...but they choose to migrate there citing fears for their lives...a safer environment.
Could it be to make colonies of muslims that will eventually impose their ideologies on those they see as dilute the non muslim inhabitants of these countries, to weaken the fabric of their gradually erode the freedoms and cultures...especially here in the UK...we must be the biggest suckers ever...afraid to call a spade a spade for fear of being branded as racists.

No Barrie.... they do not want to go to these countries full of muslims...and these countries are not forthcoming about taking them in because it does not suit the plans of a world Caliphate.

Eric 19-11-2015 20:34

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1154988)
These refugees reach a country with predominantly muslim inhabitants, but they set off across a stretch of water in overfilled boats which are barely safe in a swimming pool...and no one asks why?
They do not stay in this country with which they have much in common.
They head for France Germany, Sweden, the UK...areas with western values which they seem to despise so much...but they choose to migrate there citing fears for their lives...a safer environment.
Could it be to make colonies of muslims that will eventually impose their ideologies on those they see as dilute the non muslim inhabitants of these countries, to weaken the fabric of their gradually erode the freedoms and cultures...especially here in the UK...we must be the biggest suckers ever...afraid to call a spade a spade for fear of being branded as racists.

No Barrie.... they do not want to go to these countries full of muslims...and these countries are not forthcoming about taking them in because it does not suit the plans of a world Caliphate.

I do believe ... although I maybe proven wrong ... that these refugees, desperate folks, willing to risk their lives to escape, are fleeing the types who shot up Paris, bombed London's public transit, and flew aircraft into the twin towers. I don't think they should be confused with extremist, jihadist terrorists.

The new Canadian government has promised to take in 25,000 before the end of the year. 10,000 of those will come to Ontario. Security, esp. since the Paris affair, is important. But even before that, I have no doubt checks would have been rigorous.

But, while I agree with the govts. decision, I still think that Islam is a fundamentally (oops, a pun);) flawed religion. Unlike Christianity, it didn't grow up. Christianity grew out of the Crusades centuries ago. And, let's face it, not too many take it seriously any more ... altho' I'm darned sure that I'm going to request the last rites.:) One can hope that given time, Muslims in our countries will outgrow their silly beliefs, and, like us, pay only lip service to religion.

Margaret Pilkington 19-11-2015 21:20

Re: Paris Shootings.
Eric, how can rigorous security checks be made when these people have no papers or worse, faked ID documents.
Turkey is seen as a moderate country, one which tolerates other religions, but is predominantly why would those fleeing not settle there?
In fact the parents of the little boy who drowned had lived in Turkey for four they were not refugees, but economic migrants.

A number of these so called refugees have been travelling on the same faked passport document(according to news reports at least 8 men with the same details, dates of birth place of birth on the passport) cannot be sure of the identities, or of the allegiances of these people...and they despise the westerm way of life so why come to a county whose values have nothing in common with the values that these people hold?

I am suspicious of all of them.......and I am cynical about their real desires to come to Europe. They do not integrate well, they rarely learn the language......and this is from my own personal experience.

Let some of the Arab nations take in these refugees......they will be much more at home in those countries.

Eric 19-11-2015 23:27

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1154982)
the Russians do not do the touchy feely stuff

For those guys who put the bomb on the Russian plane, life is not going to be so sunni ... they are up to their eyebrows in shiite. The only thing worse than being chased by the Russians is being chased by the Israelis.

Oops, almost forgot; fundamental muslims are more terrified by girls with books.:rolleyes:

Accyexplorer 20-11-2015 11:08

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany (Post 1154932)
Not quite seeing that fella, care to expand?

Sure,folk blaming ISIS without the consideration (or mentioning) that the actions of west gave rise to ISIS.
Near on all? Who would you consider as not worthy then?

At the risk of being called a hypocrite,sex offenders and folk who take advantage of the vulnerable don't deserve the gift of life.

Accyexplorer 20-11-2015 11:15

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1154936)
Jason, how long have you been a chameleon?
You change your perspective and your opinions to suit what you think will be supported.

Thanks for the chuckle M,I've been attacked many times on here for posting uncomfortable truths or going against the grain so to suggest I post in a manner that is 'fishing for likes'..... I can't see it ;)

Margaret Pilkington 20-11-2015 11:36

Re: Paris Shootings.
nowhere did I actually say or imply that you were fishing for 'likes'.
But I am glad such a serious situation can make you must have a different handle on the situation than the rest of us...maybe you could enlighten us, then we might all get a good laugh(!).

Your views about the cause and effect of the current situation are really so simplistic.......this is a multi faceted problem which has been compounded by egotistical Leaders (whose names both begin with B) who took action (which was illegal) that they were either to dumb to realise the consequences or were too egotisitical to let them cause any loss of sleep.

We, the common man have no control over what these men did...and it is history. It cannot be changed. We can only ever learn from history. The sad fact is that we don't.
Governements do the same things expecting a different outcome and it doesn't happen.
All that happens is the population gets 'pruned'.
Men and women die in the pursuit of power and to massage the egos of those who think they know best.

Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace and tolerance. I don't see you?

What would you do about the situation with ISIS...let them walk all over you...or stand up and fight??
are you keen to live in a land which oppresses women, which rules by fear, which relies on distorted tenets.....which brainwashes its followers, expects them to do what they are bidden to live their lives in fear of dressing wrongly, of whistling, of singing, of smiling.

Tell me how any of these terrorist organisations (they are all cut from the same bit of cloth and it doesn't matter what you call them ) have improved any of life for a single person in this world.
I will give you some time to come up with some answers and for every one you give me I will find one that tells you of the atrocities they have committed in the name of their God.

Michael1954 20-11-2015 14:16

Re: Paris Shootings.

Andrew Neil just about sums it up.

Accyexplorer 20-11-2015 14:39

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington (Post 1155037)
nowhere did I actually say or imply that you were fishing for 'likes'.
But I am glad such a serious situation can make you must have a different handle on the situation than the rest of us...maybe you could enlighten us, then we might all get a good laugh(!).

Your views about the cause and effect of the current situation are really so simplistic.......this is a multi faceted problem which has been compounded by egotistical Leaders (whose names both begin with B) who took action (which was illegal) that they were either to dumb to realise the consequences or were too egotisitical to let them cause any loss of sleep.

We, the common man have no control over what these men did...and it is history. It cannot be changed. We can only ever learn from history. The sad fact is that we don't.
Governements do the same things expecting a different outcome and it doesn't happen.
All that happens is the population gets 'pruned'.
Men and women die in the pursuit of power and to massage the egos of those who think they know best.

Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace and tolerance. I don't see you?

What would you do about the situation with ISIS...let them walk all over you...or stand up and fight??
are you keen to live in a land which oppresses women, which rules by fear, which relies on distorted tenets.....which brainwashes its followers, expects them to do what they are bidden to live their lives in fear of dressing wrongly, of whistling, of singing, of smiling.

Tell me how any of these terrorist organisations (they are all cut from the same bit of cloth and it doesn't matter what you call them ) have improved any of life for a single person in this world.
I will give you some time to come up with some answers and for every one you give me I will find one that tells you of the atrocities they have committed in the name of their God.

As usual,there is no disrespect meant by reply M but certain folks views on here (the ones supporting violence) seem inline with groups like the EDL and I fail to see how those views are any different from the views of ISIS :rolleyes:

I'm sorry my posts seem simplistic its due to believing there is sod all we (the common folk) can do about it as it's all orchestrated by the puppet masters at the top (part of the agenda).
At the end of the day,It's got sod all to do with religion,many of these 'extremists' live a variation of our western lifestyle (drink,drugs,gambling etc) and therefore they can't be classed as true Muslims even if they scream "Ali Akbar" before they blow themselves up.

Perhaps I only have a superficial understanding of these things,perhaps I can only see these things through the lens of the Beano but who funds,supplies weapons and trains ISIS?
Who wants us to believe that these terrorists represent Islam and Muslims?

It may not of occurred to some folk but if you was from the Middle East and you was outraged by the invasions of Iraq etc what would you do?..... "let them walk all over you...or stand up and fight??"

Margaret Pilkington 20-11-2015 17:05

Re: Paris Shootings.
I did not take your post to be disrespectful at all. I just pointed out that you were putting words in my mouth.
You are right when you say that there is little that ordinary joes can do about it...and isn't that exactly what I have been for the blame got into that one yourself.

When did you last see EDL behead someone and post the action onto Youtube?
So, very sorry that comparison doesn't stand up to any kind of scrutiny.

If you were from the middle East and you were outraged because of troops being on the ground, at least those troops could be recognised...they wore was categorised as a War Zone.
Those folks who were out for a bit of R&R in Paris last weekend had no way of recognising their aggressors, and hence they had no way to protect themselves...they were these 'fighters'(if you prefer that term to murderers) were attacking people who could not know they were under attack, had no knowledge that they were at isn't that against the Geneva convention......attacking unarmed civilians...but hey they were 'infidels' so fair game for these murderers.

I have never advocated violence, but I think it is time that a definitive response was made to these cut off supplies, to seek out those providing funding and remove this at source.......for the muslim community to stand up and make sure their young men know that it is not a requirement to be a jihadi to prove you are a good muslim...and whatever we feel about religion( some people have firm beliefs and good luck to them for that) those who have made their homes in Europe and the UK are free to practise their religion without let or hindrance.......something which is denied to Christians in some arabic countries(you won't see a christian church in Saudi).

If those people do not like western ways, or western culture, let them go to a country that supports their seventh century values.
I think that now Russians have been violated the pace may just hot up for ISIS.
You do not have to see events through the lens of the Beano, you are just as capable as I am to seek out information....goodness knows you can find links to outdated stuff for other threads.

Restless 20-11-2015 17:25

Re: Paris Shootings.

Originally Posted by Less (Post 1154953)
Some of the shops on Blackburn Rd have posters in the windows More or less saying, "not in my name". So some Muslims are speaking out.

I have seen the one that says
I love Muhammad
I hate terrorism

In the window of one of those shops

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