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I wasn't really apologising, and the original question had nowt to do with my work on the Pals or Accringtons Heroes, can't understand why you brought up that bit, the query was regarding an anomaly on WIN XP and the internet.
Directly perhaps not, indirectly you stubborn fart...
Never had a problem with system restore, so long as you don`t go too far back. A month or two should be fine to check if it did it back then. Can undo it afterwards if it`s uninstalled a lot of programs. ( put any files you don`t want touching into My Documents ).
But probably best solution has already been suggested, ditch IE and get something else. I`ve never used Chrome, there was a thread on here not long ago where someone was having problems with it. There`s also Safari, Firefox etc.
I tend to go back a few days when using System Restore, but I don't use it that often these days, only used it once this year
I very seldom have to use system restore, what exactly are those windows updates, a load of numbers means nothing to me, and several people on this site have had problems after windows updates.
They are mostly security updates now. Holes they are still fixing from the original release I guess
I've tried those programs & ditched them, they would not transfer my favourites had to manually write a new favourites list, Firefox was the worst for that tried it twice and got fed up with it.
And does this favourites list have 10.0000 entries. I dunno. I can see your point. Use chrome = enter them once and never enter them again(signed into a google account) If your computer dies. You lose them permanently and have to add them all again manually without a guide of another program....
its like my mobile phone. If it breaks. Never will I have to add my contacts = sync with google. Its a godsend; especially if you flash your phone at least once a month
Originally Posted by Retlaw
has never been connected to the internet, so it can't be infected, or affected by hackers or giil bates's mob.[/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
I hope you have a backup
Originally Posted by jaysay
I tend to go back a few days when using System Restore, but I don't use it that often these days, only used it once this year
And does this favourites list have 10.0000 entries. I dunno. I can see your point. Use chrome = enter them once and never enter them again(signed into a google account) If your computer dies. You lose them permanently and have to add them all again manually without a guide of another program....
its like my mobile phone. If it breaks. Never will I have to add my contacts = sync with google. Its a godsend; especially if you flash your phone at least once a month
[QUOTE=Restless;1063652]And does this favourites list have 10.0000 entries. I dunno. I can see your point. Use chrome = enter them once and never enter them again(signed into a google account) If your computer dies. You lose them permanently and have to add them all again manually without a guide of another program....
No about 30 or so.
its like my mobile phone. If it breaks. Never will I have to add my contacts = sync with google. Its a godsend; especially if you flash your phone at least once a month
I hope you have a backup Every time jut before I switch the computers off.
For all that research I wouldn't be happy storing it on one drive. A setup with raid enabled would be a good choice. Two hard drives clone to make one so if you have a failed HD there is no loss of data. Then I would have the data backed up on an external HD(that I hardly ever use) as a just in case
For important data at work, we have one of these. Netgear RND2000 v2 ReadyNAS Duo 2-Bay (no disks) NAS.. |
Two hard drives ( not included ), mirrored RAID. Can also be set to back up at regular intervals automatically. Might be difficult to set up on DOS though.
For all that research I wouldn't be happy storing it on one drive. A setup with raid enabled would be a good choice. Two hard drives clone to make one so if you have a failed HD there is no loss of data. Then I would have the data backed up on an external HD(that I hardly ever use) as a just in case
Tha trying to teach thi grandmother to suck eggs. Every thing is backed up every day with out fail to a pen drive, then every other day to an external hard drive & weekly to a note book. What the eck is raid and does it work in DOS. But all that has nowt to do with my original problem, why just lately I keep gettin logged off from some websites, after I've been out and left this the computer on, no settings have been changed. It doesn't happen when the computers switched off over night,
Tha trying to teach thi grandmother to suck eggs. Every thing is backed up every day with out fail to a pen drive, then every other day to an external hard drive & weekly to a note book. What the eck is raid and does it work in DOS. But all that has nowt to do with my original problem, why just lately I keep gettin logged off from some websites, after I've been out and left this the computer on, no settings have been changed. It doesn't happen when the computers switched off over night,
Asked this in an earlier post, what version Internet Explorer are you using? If an old version, try updating it.
Mirrored RAID, is two hard drives working together, whatever gets written to one hard drive, also gets written to the second. If one drive dies, the data is still on the second drive.
Tha trying to teach thi grandmother to suck eggs. Every thing is backed up every day with out fail to a pen drive, then every other day to an external hard drive & weekly to a note book. What the eck is raid and does it work in DOS. But all that has nowt to do with my original problem, why just lately I keep gettin logged off from some websites, after I've been out and left this the computer on, no settings have been changed. It doesn't happen when the computers switched off over night,
edit: gpick explained it... but underlying was a simple message. Its a better option for backing up important info such as what you are doing... I would hate to see you lose it... but you have a few backups.... that at least is good.
These NAS they plug into your router via ethernet and you send files over your network to it. most of them are raid capable.
Raid simplified(hopefully)
You have two hard drives both of them are 2TB. When you Raid them your computer reads those two drives as one drive. So it shows up as 1TB. So all the data written to the drive is in fact written twice. So if you have a failure in one drive there is no loss of data. Of course not 100% foolproof. But for such delicate work it should be for your main backup. If you had one.
But all that has nowt to do with my original problem, why just lately I keep gettin logged off from some websites, after I've been out and left this the computer on, no settings have been changed. It doesn't happen when the computers switched off over night, [/COLOR][/FONT][/B]
Yeah. Im just a silly nerd. I get carried away.
When you come back to your pc after this time has passed. Is the screen black and it takes several seconds or minutes for the pc to come back to life?
If so I am guessing Hibernation mode in combo with crap internet explorer is causing this. I always turn it off. On XP, Vista, 7 or 8.... Whatever Doze product I am using.... It has been ages since I bothered to use XP so this video explains how to turn it off(if indeed it is on in the first place)