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Gayle 25-09-2005 21:52

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
.... the founder of the site..... Roy.

Thanks Roy

Len 25-09-2005 21:53

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
well done Roy!!!

garinda 25-09-2005 21:54

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
Bravo. Bravo.

Standing ovation.

slinky 25-09-2005 21:54

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
WellDone Roy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooo hoooooooo............................

Keep up the good work!!

Tinkerbelle 25-09-2005 21:55

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY Thanks Roy!!!

grannyclaret 25-09-2005 21:56

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
that was a most enjoyable evening,,,,, now wheres the food i am starving......

Gayle 25-09-2005 21:57

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
So that's it for the first Annual Accy web Awards. I hope you've all enjoyed them.

Thank you to Roy for allowing this to happen and for doing all the work backstage.

Sorry I can't make it to Elton's party with you Garinda, but Tom Cruise has invited me back to his place.

Romps 25-09-2005 21:57

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
Congratulations Roy

and thanks for a great site

Less 25-09-2005 21:58

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY

Originally Posted by Gayle Knight

(shut up Less, someone throw the drunk out)

I'm not as drink as you thunk I am!
Can someone tell me why theres a load of talcum powder over the washbasins in the gents? It made me sneeze so much I thought my nose would drop off!

garinda 25-09-2005 22:00

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
Excuse me Whoopie, that's my car, Elton sent it.

Brilliant awards ceremony Gayle, very well done.

Now party like it's 1999.

What? I missed it?

Len 25-09-2005 22:00

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
1 Attachment(s)
On behalf of Roy who is unfortunately unable to make a speech at the moment as he is drunk over there in the corner muttering on about 'thanks to the moderators for doing an excellent job and the members for making this the best message board on the web'


Sweet dreams Roy. sleep well.


Romps 25-09-2005 22:04

A small token for Gayle Knight

Thank you Gayle for your brilliant idea
we've had a ball.

from all your friends at ACCY WEB


harwood red 25-09-2005 22:05

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
Errrr is it over now???? Ok I will tell the truth on why I couldn't make this wonderful event.....

Our wonderful leader Roy has employed me as the cleaner so thats why I am in my overalls and snazzy head scarf. I had hoped you would have all left by now and I could have avoided the embarressment of you all knowing my true position on this forum.....

No, no please don't say anything I couldn't stand anymore of the shame I am already feeling!

Now off with you all I have a long night of cleaning ahead... look at the mess you've all made and as for you LESS why do you spill more than you drink!!!

Gayle don't ever wear chocolate headgear again, have you seen the mess you've made of the lecturn???????

Right no interruptions now..................... :mad:

Len 25-09-2005 22:07

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY
Thanks Gayle it’s been a load of fun.

Romps 25-09-2005 22:08

Re: Accyweb Awards - THE CEREMONY

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